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Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Cloud | Data Management
Kayt Leonard 0
5 tips for choosing a statistical computing environment

When you think about life-saving technology, does a statistical computing environment come to mind? Statistical computing environments (SCE) are critical in accelerating scientific discoveries by enabling researchers to manage, process and analyze data efficiently and compliantly, maintaining the utmost regulatory integrity. As life sciences research generates increasingly large and diverse

Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data for Good
SAS Korea 0
SAS Viya, 경쟁 제품 대비 30배 빠른 속도 입증

‘SAS 이노베이트 2023’에서 최신 AI, 클라우드 분석 기술 및 사례 발표 세계적인 분석 선두 기업 SAS가 5월 8일부터 10일까지(미국 현지 시간) 미국 플로리다주 올랜도에서 ‘SAS 이노베이트 2023(SAS Innovate 2023)’ 행사를 개최했습니다. ‘SAS 이노베이트’는 전 세계 산업별 전문가와 오피니언 리더들이 참석하는 SAS의 연례 비즈니스 컨퍼런스입니다. 이번 행사에서는 SAS Viya 제품의 놀라운

Advanced Analytics | Data Visualization
Kevin Scott 0
The Empirical Mode Decomposition for handling non-stationary time series

Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) is a powerful time-frequency analysis technique that allows for the decomposition of a non-stationary and non-linear signal into a series of intrinsic mode functions (IMFs). The method was first introduced by Huang et al. in 1998 and has since been widely used in various fields, such as signal processing, image analysis, and biomedical engineering.

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Modernizando las capacidades de investigación: Beneficios y mejores prácticas

En el ámbito de la seguridad, la capacidad de investigación es esencial. Sin embargo, en un mundo cada vez más digital, puede resultar difícil mantenerse al día con las últimas herramientas y técnicas para realizar investigaciones de manera eficiente y efectiva. En este post, exploraremos las mejores prácticas y beneficios

Josh Morgan 0
5 mental health myths: What does the data say?

Mental Health Month is an important time to honor and raise awareness around mental illness and mental wellness. Correcting and combating stigma and discrimination, including with data, is one of the month’s major goals. It’s hard to talk about mental health without also addressing substance use disorders (including opioids), homelessness

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