SAS' Leonid Batkhan demonstrates a popular "divide-and-conquer" efficiency strategy using SAS/Connect®.
SAS' Leonid Batkhan demonstrates a popular "divide-and-conquer" efficiency strategy using SAS/Connect®.
The first principle of analytics is about bringing the right analytics technology to the right place at the right time. Whether your data are on-premises, in the cloud, or at the edges of the network – analytics needs to be there with it. Being true to this principle means we
“Technology is an industry that eats its young, it is rare to come across providers that have been around for more than a human generation.” Tony Bear, Big on Data With more than 40 years in the market, SAS is one of the rare technology providers that has been around
Newcomers to SAS Viya Administration may appreciate these tried-and-tested patterns for securing folders, and the content within them (reports, data plans, models etc.). If you are new to security model design in SAS Viya, this post is for you.
Wir sitzen in einem großen Hörsaal einer Frankfurter Hochschule, die Sitzreihen sind leicht ansteigend, damit alle Studenten nicht nur hören, sondern auch gut sehen können. Ungefähr 150 Zuhörer – zum Großteil keine Studenten - hören dem Referenten zu, keinem Professor, sondern einem dynamisch wirkenden Gründer und Manager eines norditalienischen Start-up.
“Lo que no se define no se puede medir. Lo que no se mide, no se puede mejorar. Lo que no se mejora, se degrada siempre.” William Thomson Kelvin, físico y matemático británico (1824 – 1907) Todo sommelier tiene conocimiento que en el proceso de elaboración de vinos existen
As of December 2018, any customer with a valid SAS Viya order is able to package and deploy their SAS Viya software in Docker containers. SAS has provided a fully documented and supported project (or “recipe”) for easily building these containers. So how can you start? You can simply stop
For software users and SAS administrators, the question of how to streamline their approach into the easiest to use system that most effectively completes the task at hand. At SAS Global Forum 2018, the topic of a “Big Red Button” for the SAS Platform was an idea that got audience members excited. Here's a review of that talk.
You can still register for the 38th annual International Symposium on Forecasting, being held June 17-20 in Boulder, Colorado, at the foothills of the Rockies. Beyond the daily keynotes and over 150 presentations of new research, a separate Practitioner Track features talks on the application of forecasting research to organizational
After a few tough years in the trenches, analytics leaders in utilities are emerging and making a difference as their utilities vie to stay relevant in the ever-changing energy landscape. At the core of this emergence are leaders that are embracing open analytics platforms and pushing analytics to the edge.
Thanks to a new open source project from SAS, Python coders can now bring the power of SAS into their Python scripts. The project is SASPy, and it's available on the SAS Software GitHub. It works with SAS 9.4 and higher, and requires Python 3.x. I spoke with Jared Dean
SAS® Viya™ 3.1 represents the third generation of high performance computing from SAS. Our journey started a long time ago and, along the way, we have introduced a number of high performance technologies into the SAS software platform: In-Database processing where SAS data quality and analytical processing occur within the
When shopping for a new TV, with many sets next to each other across a store wall, it is easy to compare the picture quality and brightness. What is not immediately evident and expected is the difference between how the set looked in the store and how it looks in your
Applying analytics to IoT data provides opportunities for cities to use information from sensors, citizens and connected infrastructure in unprecedented ways.
Would you like to see the latest features of SAS Enterprise Guide in action? Of course you would! That's why it's well worth the 12 minutes of your time to watch this video from SAS Global Forum 2016. In the video, Casey Smith (SAS' R&D manager of the SAS Enterprise
Ciao a tutti e ben sintonizzati sulle frequenze di Radio SAS Technical Support! Oggi trasmettiamo la prima parte della super-classifica delle domande più frequenti che riceviamo dai SAS Administrators che operano presso le aziende nostre clienti. Il SAS Administrator è la super-star della Architettura e della Piattaforma SAS, le sue attività
Research indicates that IoT and Machine Learning are more valuable to utilities when used in combination but there are hurdles to overcome first. Machine learning and IoT will enable utilities to better realize the next generation of the power grid: a distributed system with power flows among millions of things
.@philsimon on the specific risks to data quality posed by cloud computing.
Do you like a good horror story? Then may I suggest “Future Crimes” by Marc Goodman. When it comes to this genre, Wes Craven, John Carpenter and Stephen King have got nothing on Goodman, primarily because Goodman’s story is non-fiction. Scene 1: The present – Your workstation or data center Whether
It’s been very hot here in Northern Italy: electricity provision has struggled to keep up and we’ve had frequent power outages in the area, even within our apartment building. A bit inconvenient? Don’t get me started. I feel like my home appliances have turned against me, taking me back to
SAS 9.4 M3 released in July 2015 with some interesting new features and functionality for platform SAS administrators. In this blog I will review at a very high level the major new features. For details you can see the SAS 9.4 System Administration guide. SAS 9.4 M3 includes a new release
On July 14, 2015 SAS released SAS Factory Miner, our latest advanced data mining and machine learning product. This new product provides automated predictive modeling by segment in a high velocity grid enabled environment, allowing modelers to run hundreds of models within minutes and find champion models by segment quickly.
Are you a VIEWTABLE fan from the SAS Windowing Environment (a.k.a. Display Manager, DMS, PC SAS)? If so, the latest version of SAS Enterprise Guide has a new feature that you'll love. With the latest update to SAS Enterprise Guide 7.1 (7.11), you can now subset your data in the
As utilities expand analytic capabilities into more areas of the business, the reality of the data management challenge becomes very real. Most have accepted the era of "big data." But what about the quality of that big data? Is it reliable? What about the governance? Have the processes changed since
Big data is of no use unless you can turn it into information and insight. For that you need big analytics. Every piece of the analytics cycle has been impacted by big data, from reporting, with the need to quickly render reports from billions of rows of data, through advanced
I can’t believe that it has been almost two months since SAS Global Forum in Washington DC! As always, I was reinvigorated and came back with even more ideas on how to improve the way that we do things, apply new lessons and try some things out – along with
In a previous post, I described how to write a Windows PowerShell script to connect to a SAS Metadata Server. In this post, I'll show an example of something useful that you can do after you've established that connection. Specifically, I'll show how to "ask" the SAS Metadata Server about
~Contributed by Becky Graebe, SAS Communications Manager~ If there was any doubt in the minds of SAS Global Forum attendees that the computing landscape has changed remarkably in recent years, Vice President of Platform R&D Paul Kent and Research Statistician Developer Oliver Schabenberger set that idea squarely off the grid
Contributed by Meg Crawford, Marketing Specialist, User & Customer Marketing; Kirsten Hamstra, Web Marketing Specialist, SAS Publishing; and Michele Reister, Field Marketing Specialist, SAS Education. If you read last month’s Open Mic blog posts from Meg Crawford and Kirsten Hamstra about all the great social media activities happening at SAS