Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
Dylan Jones says spend time setting a vision of how to transform your data landscape – not debating definitions.
Blend, cleanse and prepare data for analytics, reporting or data modernization efforts
Dylan Jones says spend time setting a vision of how to transform your data landscape – not debating definitions.
Jim Harris discusses how the lines between data management and analytics are fading.
Kürzlich habe ich mich mit meinem Kollegen Michael Herrmann darüber unterhalten, wie Big Data die Anforderungen an Datenmanagement und vor allem an die Datenqualität verändert – und wie die IT, der Data Scientist und die Fachabteilung besser zusammenarbeiten können. Heute geht es darum, wie Daten nachvollziehbar und transparent gemacht werden
David Loshin explains why MDM is such a valuable tool in helping to detect fraud.
Lenin und ich sitzen im Publikum und applaudieren heftig: Seine Chefin hat ihren Vortrag beendet über „Datenqualität als Erfolgsfaktor im Internet of Things“. „Kein Datenqualitätsprojekt ohne Hilfe von oben“, raunt Lenin mir zu, "Unterstützung vom Boss ist manchmal wichtiger als tolle Software." Ich will beleidigt darauf hinweisen, dass seine Chefin
Via streaming data, Jim Harris says machines can learn some amazing things without being programmed with domain knowledge.
Kennen Sie Kevin Ashton? Der britische Technologie-Pionier hat am Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) einen internationalen Standard für RFID mitbegründet. Was aber vielleicht noch wichtiger ist: Vor fast 20 Jahren hatte er eine Vision von Computern, die Informationen über Gegenstände des Alltags und der Fabrikation sammeln und mit diesen Daten
Auch wenn der Hype von Gartner für beendet erklärt wurde: An Big Data und der Auswertung entsprechender (oftmals unstrukturierter) Datenmengen kommt kein Unternehmen vorbei. Doch welche Herausforderungen stellen Big Data und damit einhergehende Entwicklungen an das Data Management? Wie können Data Scientists, IT und Fachabteilung heute zusammenarbeiten? Und wo prallen
Analise Polsky says analytics success for midsize business depends on getting the basics right and maintaining a data focus.
@philsimon says that old stalwarts sometimes just don't cut it.
‘포레스터 웨이브: 2016년 4분기 엔터프라이즈 인사이트 플랫폼 스위트’ 보고서에서 단독 리더로 선정 전략∙최신 오퍼링∙시장 입지 평가 항목에서 높은 점수 획득 ··· 기업의 의사 결정 시점에 인사이트 적용을 지원하는 차별화된 리더로서 확고한 입지 개방형∙클라우드 기반 분석 아키텍처 ‘SAS 바이야(SAS Viya)’, 보다 현대적이고 단순화된 아키텍처로 높이 평가 2017년 1월 23일, 서울 세계적인
There is a well-known Russian saying that goes “Если нельзя, но очень хочется, то можно.” The English translation of it can span anywhere from “If you can’t, but want it badly, then you can” to “If you shouldn’t, but want it badly, then you should” to “If you may not,
Batters assess the game before hitting the ball. Similarly, Todd Wright says businesses can make faster, better decisions by understanding events in motion.
In a recent presentation, Jill Dyche, VP of SAS Best Practices gave two great quotes: "Map strategy to data" and "strategy drives analytics drives data." In other words, don't wait for your data to be perfect before you invest in analytics. Don't get me wrong -- I fully understand and
The rise of self-service analytics, and the idea of the ‘citizen data scientist’, has also brought a number of issues to the fore in organizations. In particular, two common areas of discussion are the twin pillars of data quality and data preparation. There is no doubt that good quality, well-prepared
Does age matter? Perhaps not, but maturity certainly does. The level of analytics maturity, in particular, makes a big difference to the options open to companies, and the strategies that they can adopt to get best value from analytics. A model of analytics maturity I like Thomas Davenport’s model of
David Loshin extends his exploration of ethical issues surrounding automated systems and event stream processing to encompass data quality and risk considerations.
In just a few short months the European General Data Protection Regulation becomes enforceable. This regulation enshrines in law the rights of EU citizens to have their personal data treated in accordance with their wishes. The regulation applies to any organisation which is processing EU citizens’ data, and the UK
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you've surely noticed the increasing numbers of headlines about big data, Hadoop, internet of things (IoT) and, of course, data streaming. For many companies, this next generation of data management is clearly marked "to play with later." That's because adopting the next wave
Omnichannel Analytics are helping companies uncover patterns in big data to improve the customer experience. Using those insights, companies can anticipate what consumers are planning to purchase and influence that purchase in real time. Companies are experiencing unprecedented complexity as they look for growth and market opportunities. Their product portfolios are
Like getting into good shape, Jim Harris says we must carefully measure adherence to regulatory compliance – using both internal and external measures.
The real questions revolve around approaches to ESP system implementations, predictive models and quality of information being streamed, says David Loshin.
SAS® Federation Server provides a central, virtual environment for administering and securing access to your data. It also allows you to combine data from multiple sources without moving or copying the data. SAS Federation Server Manager, a web-based application, is used to administer SAS Federation Server(s). Data privacy is a
.@philsimon sees these two colliding sooner rather than later.
Platform and strategy are core to compliance, but Jim Harris says commitment from people across the organization is just as important and harder to achieve.
David Loshin describes three sets of policies required for ensuring compliance with data protection directives for health care.
.@philsimon raises some chilling questions about the IoT and current threats.
At its core, data compliance is built on simple foundations. Dylan Jones closes this series by explaining the remaining components of the "4F framework."
What to watch out for when chief data officers begin to appear in our country Recently and for the first time, I met someone whose business card title read ‘Chief Data Officer’ at one of our customer’s places of business. It wasn’t in Slovakia, but I am convinced that it
To show how they're compliant with regulatory mandates, organizations first need an enterprise data strategy. Joyce Norris-Montanari discusses the issues.