Advanced Analytics

Move beyond spreadsheets to data mining, forecasting, optimization – and more

Advanced Analytics | Analytics
Renee Nocker 0
What is a better decision worth?

The word “analytics” is widely misused and misunderstood.  While SAS arguably invented the advanced analytics and predictive analytics categories more than 38 years ago, other software vendors have used the term to describe things like reporting, monitoring, and tracking what happened.  The value of these more simple capabilities are easily

Advanced Analytics
Michael Thomas 0
Big data in your face

If you've followed technology news in the last few weeks, you've probably seen a proliferation of awestruck faces wearing blacked out goggles, similar to the image I'm using here. The goggles are Oculus Rift immersive VR headsets, and the news is the $2 billion dollar acquisition of Oculus by Facebook.

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