Tag: data management

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Agility in external data ingestion

In two previous posts (Part 1 and Part 2), I explored some of the challenges of managing data beyond enterprise boundaries. These posts focused on issues around managing and governing extra-enterprise data. Let’s focus a bit on one specific challenge now – satisfying the need for business users to rapidly ingest new data sources. Sophisticated business

Patrick Homer 0
The analytics-driven marketing evolution in life sciences

PharmaVOICE recently published an article: Analytics Driven Marketing for the pharmaceutical industry and I was fortunate enough to be interviewed. The article discusses the increased use of advanced analytics to make better marketing decisions, the progress that has been made and the challenges that still need to be overcome. Within

Data Management
Dylan Jones 0
How to communicate the role of data governance

Confusion is one of the big challenges companies experience when defining the data governance function – particularly among the technical community. I recently came across a profile on LinkedIn for a senior data governance practitioner at an insurance firm. His profile typified this challenge. He cited his duties as: Responsible for the collection

Data Management
Nicole Tschauder 0
Clusteranalysen: In der Gruppe stark (SAS Adventskalender 5. Türchen)

Das Christkind ist ausgesprochen zufrieden mit sich und seinen Vorbereitungen. Wir möchten vermuten, dass dem Christkind die Komplexität seiner Aufgabe (trotz zweitausendjähriger Geschichte) erst jetzt so richtig dämmert. Es hat gelernt, assoziativ zu suchen, Kommentare der Kinder zu analysieren und aus allem die richtigen Schlüsse zu ziehen. Heute verfeinert es

Data Management
David Loshin 0
Extra-enterprise data

There is no doubt about it – over the past few years there has been a monumental shift in how we think about “enterprise” data management. I believe this shift has been motivated by four factors: Open data. What may have been triggered by demands for governmental transparency and the need

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Ricky D. Sluder, CFE 0
Why Excel isn’t the solution for health care fraud, waste and abuse investigations

To prepare for the data challenges of 2015 and beyond, health care fraud, waste and abuse investigative units (government funded and commercial insurance plans, alike) need a data management infrastructure that provides access to data across programs, products and channels. This goes well beyond sorting and filtering small sets of

Data Management | SAS Administrators
Charlotte Crain 0
In-Database Nirvana – The Five Step Process to run business rules without moving data

The phrase “business rules” is often loosely used. It can refer to things like constraints in a query, a data mapping, a data quality constraint, a data transformation, or a model. Business rules also reflect an enforced policy, a regulatory requirement and business constraints on model scores that trigger analytically-driven

Data Management
Caroline Hermon 0
Sizing: the long and short of it

Sizing is a topic that solutions managers typically leave until the end after decisions about the application have been settled. But there are often many variables that can impact the final size requirement. We have seen across our customer base that sizing and the number of environments has been determined

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