Tag: state government

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Dan Childers 0
Time for government agencies to embed data and AI into environmental compliance

Government employees charged with monitoring environmental compliance face a downpour of information, wading through countless reports and stacks of paperwork to accomplish their mission. To help these dedicated public servants increase productivity, agencies should consider a broader set of tools to control pollution, enforce regulations and improve compliance. Although foundational

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Carl Hammersburg 0
How analytics is helping state governments head off unemployment claims fraud

If you’re in state government, you're well aware of the unprecedented challenges that come with off-the-charts unemployment numbers due to COVID-19. Crashing websites at state unemployment insurance offices and multi-hour phone hold times for the millions of people who've lost their income due to the pandemic are only the most

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Kennedy 0
Criminal justice data system speeds prosecutions, helps put offenders away

Much has been written about the value that North Carolina’s Criminal Justice Law Enforcement Automated Data Services (CJLEADS) system has brought the state’s court personnel and law enforcement officers. CJLEADS integrates dozens of NC criminal justice and law enforcement data sets, a vast improvement over the state’s legacy processes. Law

Analytics | Data Management | Fraud & Security Intelligence
David Kennedy 0
How law enforcement can use analytics to combat the opioid epidemic

A steady drumbeat of news coverage makes one thing clear: Opioid abuse is rising and has reached epidemic levels throughout our country. Overdoses from the diversion and abuse of prescription opioids are one cause of the surge in deaths. Overdoses from heroin and other illicit synthetic opioids (such as heroin,

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
John Stultz 0
What can agencies learn from massive Medicaid fraud busts?

On June 22nd, the U.S. Department of Justice announced the largest Medicaid fraud bust in history. The National Health Care Fraud Takedown included 301 defendants charged, $900 million in false billings, 61 medical professionals and 29 doctors, across 36 states. In another case, investigators in New York uncovered more than

Melissa Savage 0
Analytics fuels recommendations in new Department of Transportation innovation handbook

Analytics is a key piece in nearly all 31 recommendations outlined in The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice.  Crafted by the State Smart Transportation Initiative, in partnership with Smart Growth America, the handbook provides 31 recommendations for state transportation officials looking for ways to increase efficiencies and

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Carl Hammersburg 0
Employee misclassification: Will the last employee please turn off the lights?

Independent contractor.  Two very simple words that have a dramatic impact on businesses, workers, and government programs.  While most people have a basic understanding of the term, they often have very little understanding of the laws governing it, which vary significantly program by program and state by state.  This has

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