SAS' Damian Herrick chronicles the refresh of a 2002 social-network analysis aimed at identifying influential peer educators among former drug users.
Tag: social network analysis
Skąd się wzięła i czym jest analiza śledcza, zwana także analizą kryminalną? Potrzeba stworzenia takiego narzędzia zaistniała w końcu lat 60-ch w USA i została wyartykułowana przez organy ścigania. Była ona spowodowana rozwojem przestępczości zorganizowanej, dużą liczebnością i skomplikowaną strukturą grup przestępczych oraz transgranicznym charakterem przestępstw, w czym przodowała włoska
As early as in 2009, Gartner predicted that Social Network Analysis (SNA) could be an important tool for detecting business patterns or disruptions and a source of new unprecedented insights for organisations. Today, SNA-based tools, as components of advanced analytic platforms (including predictive platforms), become indispensable for defining long-term strategies and managing
I recently met Mrs. Claus at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, where we got to talking about the social network analysis session she’d just attended. It turns out Mrs. Claus and I are both fans of a book by Alex Pentland, Social Physics: How Social Networks Can Make Us Smarter. Apparently
In the first three articles of the series we drilled down to Data Management and Data Quality as the basis for fraud detection analytics, to Business Rules and Watch lists techniques that play always a crucial role for claim handlers and fraud investigators and to Advanced Analytics which add a
The study of social networks has gained importance over the years within social and behavioral research on HIV and AIDS. Social network research can show routes of potential viral transfer, and be used to understand the influence of peer norms and practices on the risk behaviors of individuals. This example analyzes the
Już w 2009 roku firma Gartner przewidywała, że analiza sieci społecznych (SNA – Social Network Analysis) może być dla organizacji bardzo ważnym narzędziem do wykrywania wzorców biznesowych lub zakłóceń oraz źródłem nowej nieznanej dotychczas wiedzy. Obecnie, narzędzia wykorzystujące SNA jako element zaawansowanej platformy analitycznej (w tym predykcyjnej), stają się niezbędne do
Fraud is a growing problem for businesses – and one of the biggest threats comes from an organisation’s own employees. In many countries, the incidence of internal fraud is rising. According to the Credit Industry Fraud Avoidance System (CIFAS), in the UK alone there was an 18 percent rise in the total
Every day there are news stories of fraud perpetrated against federal government programs. Topping the list are Medicaid and Medicare schemes which costs taxpayers an estimated $100 billion a year. Fraud also is rampant in other important federal programs, including unemployment and disability benefits, health care, food stamps, tax collection,
When it comes to fraud detection and risk mitigation, predictive modeling has earned a reputation as the “heavy hitter” in the realm of data analytics. As our celebration of International Fraud Awareness Week continues, I would challenge our readers to ask themselves this question, “Is the reliance upon predictive analytics
Another day, another scam defrauding insurers and governments. For purposes of full disclosure, the case I'm highlighting today comes from Washington's Labor and Industries (L&I), the agency where I formerly worked and headed up fraud prevention efforts, and the investigation dates back to my time there. During my time there,
Personally, I love studies. They help put things into context, and when done well, provide an independent and hopefully unbiased view of the forces that shape our lives. They are also a great way to see government funds used in strange ways. For example, the new NIOSH (National Institute for
Several weeks ago, South Carolina was the victim of what some experts believe to be the largest cyber-attack against a state tax department in history. Approximately 3.6 million personal South Carolina income tax returns were exposed, and nearly 657,000 businesses compromised, in an international hacking attack. Coincidentally, SAS and the SC
Detecting and preventing fraud isn't easy. Many tools and techniques are required, and while the digital age and advanced technologies have made fraud much easier in many ways, those same technologies have opened up new ways to combat it. One of those comes in the form of social network analysis,
A super hot topic in most organizations is how to make the most of the troves of social data available. This Post-It Note author isn't specific about the SAS solution that is being used, so I'm going to speculate that he or she is taking advantage of SAS Text Miner, SAS Text
According to Carlos André Reis Pinheiro, social networks in communications are easy to understand and detect, so Oi Telecommunications chose that route first when trying to detect fraud. Community detection for fraud proved to be somewhat different. It is a progressive search, from looking at the entire network to looking
SAS CEO Jim Goodnight talks about SAS' new offerings in High Performance Computing and Social Network Analysis, price changes for SAS OnDemand for Education and this year's SAS Global Forum conference in Seattle. Web Links:YouTube: