SAS has worked with our exam delivery partners to integrate a live lab into an exam, which can be delivered anywhere, anytime, on-demand.
SAS has worked with our exam delivery partners to integrate a live lab into an exam, which can be delivered anywhere, anytime, on-demand.
US health care costs are the highest in the developed world, despite per-capita healthcare spending roughly double that of the others, but with outcomes worse-or-equal-to comparable countries. A 2014 Commonwealth Fund study ranked the United States 11th out of 11 major industrial nations in overall healthcare. An aging population is
SAS Enterprise Guide has come a long way since version 1.0 was released in 1999! Are any of you original users that remember the Help characters, Clippy, Peedy or Merlin? I was working as a statistician for another company that year, and I attended a SAS user group meeting where
In der Vergangenheit hat sich die Agilität von BI-, Big Data- und Analytics- Anwendungen (Datenarchitekturen) als Erfolgsfaktor für Unternehmen aus unterschiedlichsten Branchen erwiesen. Gerade die Integration neuer Datenquellen in bestehende DWH-Architekturen und die daraus resultierenden Anpassungen resultieren in langwierigen Entwicklungsprozessen.
Have you ever waited a bit for SAS Enterprise Guide to display the Output Data tab when submitting a SAS program that generates multiple output tables? Or, perhaps your program only generates one big output table but it takes a little while for it to surface on the Output Data
With any software program, there are always new tips and tricks to learn, and nobody can know them all. Sometimes I even pick up tips or techniques from my students while they’re learning broader programming tips from me. Like fine wine, instructors only get better with age. Every customer interaction
From an Enterprise Guide user's perspective, a SAS library is a library. Whether it was defined in the autoexec or in the metadata or by magic, it is there for them to use with no issues. However, there is a difference as metadata defined libraries do not behave in the
Who says anyone is an expert at something? I definitely do not when it comes to SAS (well, anything for that matter). Each time I sit through a presentation at a conference I learn something new. During the SAS Western Users Conference, fondly know as WUSS, this month I learned
Wizard Harry Potter makes magic just waving his wand around and shouting out spells. Using SAS Enterprise Guide (and you are welcome to shout out your own commands too) you can create some magic, allowing the Stored Process Wizard to code for you. On Step 2, the "Include code for"
Did you change your LinkedIn password yesterday? (If you didn’t, you should!) But did it happen to be the same as your corporate password? First, tisk tisk. Second, change your corporate password NOW! Ok, now that this is done ~ don’t let your saved connection profile for SAS applications lock
After unwittingly getting involved recently in a code vs GUI discussion another pro GUI vote came in yesterday when presenting to a customer's internal user group. When creating and using prompts in SAS Enterprise Guide, it is a no-brainer to recommend leveraging the %_eg_WhereParam as it handles all the special
During IFSUG yesterday, Sunil Gupta gave attendees to his presentation a special homework assignment. Look into the SAS Enterprise Guide task 'Characterize Data'. Sunil suggested that this was a simple approach to quickly getting a summary of all the variables within your data table. Of course, some programmers will use
This question came up while helping my presales colleague with a client’s question: “Is Microsoft Excel in direct competition with SAS?” Not really. I like to think of SAS as partnering with Excel. Because of the following Excel benefits and its synergy with SAS. Excel has been around for years.
Years ago and a seemingly far galaxy away, I wrote about how to modify 9.1.3 to start Enterprise Guide users in a different location for the File folder. By default, the user only can access their personal SAS Temporary File. Why change this? I would prefer to use a central
On July 28, the weather wasn't the only thing that was hot in Richfield, Minnesota. About 130 SAS users from the Twin Cities area braved the heat to attend a sizzling summer meeting of the Twin Cities Area SAS Users Group (TCASUG). Meeting organizers Donalee Wanna and Brian Kreeger proclaimed
SAS Senior Software Manager and co-author of SAS for Dummies Chris Hemedinger talks about his experiences at SAS Global Forum 2009. Web Links: SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2009VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf09ep32