Tal y como comentamos durante el evento realizado con Expansión y McKinsey en nuestras oficinas, en el contexto de incertidumbre actual, las aseguradoras han tenido que subirse al tren de la digitalización para seguir creciendo. La crisis del COVID como acelerador de la digitalización en el sector seguros En un
Tag: Customer journey marketing
A major UK insurance company used text analytics to categorise complaints.
Technology is transforming our lives. It's revolutionising the way we buy groceries, send gifts, listen to our favourite music, communicate with loved ones, and much more. Because it's so convenient and ubiquitous, we expect ultra-fast and highly personalised services from all the companies we engage with. As a result, businesses
In my previous post, “Why personalising the student experience is critical to higher education’s viability," we examined the role customer intelligence can play in driving value for universities and students across the higher education journey. Specifically, analytics has a vital role to play in helping decision makers, particularly marketers, to
Nous voulons mener des actions et mesurer leur impact - de manière scientifique. Pour évaluer la vitesse moyenne (d'une voiture) à mi-chemin d'une distance donnée, nous devrions marquer le point médian et utiliser un chronomètre. Pour mesurer la conversion générée par un catalogue imprimé et la comparer à celle d'un