Learn about the role data classification plays when governing a diversity of data policies.
Tag: chief data officer
Todd Wright says questions from the C-suite morph as the complex data and analytics landscape evolves.
Phil Simon raises two key questions to ask in his second post on data literacy.
The data revolution is causing disruption everywhere. Even governments are feeling the effects. While the public sector may be less prepared for the impending changes, government has good reasons to embrace the data revolution. First, governments have been collecting data for years. They have lots of data. This supports programs,
Reconsider conventional assumptions about data governance – three suggestions for chief data officers.
Chief Data Officer: talento analítico al servicio del negocio No voy a negar que tengo una perspectiva privilegiada. Desde SAS, la compañía que creó el nicho de la innovación en Analytics hace 42 años , observó cómo el análisis de la información está transformando nuestro entorno positivamente: negocios con mayor
The primary obstacle to becoming a data-driven business is that data is not readily available, leaving valuable insights unused in data silos. To overcome this hurdle, today’s companies are creating a new role: Chief Data Officers (CDO). Responsible for unlocking insights hidden in data silos, the CDO is tasked with
What to watch out for when chief data officers begin to appear in our country Recently and for the first time, I met someone whose business card title read ‘Chief Data Officer’ at one of our customer’s places of business. It wasn’t in Slovakia, but I am convinced that it
Die Digitalisierung wird ja angeblich alles ändern. Oder sogar revolutionieren. Das gilt sowohl für unser Privat- wie auch das Berufsleben. Unsere Arbeitsweisen und Gewohnheiten werden sich an die digitale Gesellschaft anpassen. Ob wir wollen oder nicht. Gleichfalls werden sich Strukturen und Organisationsformen in Unternehmen verändern. Und diese Veränderungen machen auch
As technology evolves, so do the c-suite roles related to technology. In particular, the roles of Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer – both referred to as CDO – have seen rapid changes. This post will document the changes I've observed in these two roles, and answer questions I've heard as our customers have been navigating the
Absent a strong executive presence, most mature organizations will continue to muddle through data integration.
Imagine trying to make the right decision for a child in protective custody if your information was limited only to what was reported to your department about a single incident. Without additional information about the child’s home environment, health and education, criminal background of adults in the child’s life, and
Despite an increase in the availability of data in the federal government over the past few years, data and analytics could be doing even more for federal agencies. A strategic approach to managing and analyzing the data is needed. And, like many technology challenges – that’s a people problem. A