How effective is your organization at leveraging data and analytics to power your business models? This question is surprising hard for many organizations to answer. Most organizations lack a roadmap against which they can measure their effectiveness for using data and analytics to optimize key business processes, uncover new business
In this article, I will set out clear principles for how SAS Viya 3.3 will interoperate with Kerberos. My aim is to present some overview concepts for how we can use Kerberos authentication with SAS Viya 3.3. We will look at both SAS Viya 3.3 clients and SAS 9.4M5 clients.
In my last article, I worked with an example of using custom polygon data to create a regional geo map in SAS Visual Analytics 7.4. In this article, I will use almost the same example to illustrate the ease of implementing custom polygons to produce the same regional map in
By default, SAS Visual Analytics 7.4 supports country and state level polygons for regional geomaps. In SAS Visual Analytics 7.4, custom shape files are now supported, as well. This means that if a site has their own custom polygon data that defines custom regions, it’s possible to create a region
Jazz up your Geo Map or Network Analysis graph by applying icon-based display rule markers instead of color markers on the map. With SAS Visual Analytics, you may have already used display rules by populating intervals or adding color-mapped values for report objects. Now, you can jazz up your Geo
Are you interested in using SAS Visual Analytics 8.2 to visualize a state by regions, but all you have is a county shapefile? As long as you can cross-walk counties to regions, this is easier to do than you might think. Here are the steps involved: Step 1 Obtain a
If you have worked with the different types of score code generated by the high-performance modeling nodes in SAS® Enterprise Miner™ 14.1, you have probably come across the Analytic Store (or ASTORE) file type for scoring. The ASTOREfile type works very well for scoring complex machine learning models like random
If Necessity is the mother of Invention, then, perhaps, the father of Automation is Laziness. Automation is all about convenience, comfort, and productivity. Why do it yourself if you can devise something to do it for you! In my previous post Running SAS programs in batch under Unix/Linux, we learned
Most people who work with optimization are familiar with Linear and Integer Programming, to their toolkit they could add Constraint Programming. Constraint Programming is a powerful technique that is used to solve powerful “real-world” problems in a variety of areas, such as, planning, scheduling, DNA Sequencing, computer graphics and natural
This article and accompanying technical white paper are written to help SAS 9 users process existing SAS 9 code multi-threaded in SAS Viya 3.3. Read the full paper, Getting Your SAS 9 Code to Run Multi-Threaded in SAS Viya 3.3. The Future is Multi-threaded Processing Using SAS® Viya® When I first began