~Contributed by Stacy Hobson, Director of Customer Retention, SAS~ While you are at the SAS Support and Demo Area, watch for the red vests. You are going to want to meet the SAS Customer Loyalty team wearing them, as they will have a wealth of resources available to you. The
Contributed by Vince DelGobbo, SAS R&D Software Developer Rule #1: Keep your money in your pocket or your purse. With that settled, we can move on to more important matters. One key to success at SAS Global Forum is to be organized. Before you get to Vegas, spend some time
Rick is another guy I've gotten to know through the SAS users group community, mainly through mutual work with the NorthEast SAS Users Group (NESUG), where's held various leadership positions, including that of conference chair. I wish I had his stamina and motivation. Wait until you find out what he
I've had the pleasure of knowing Andy Kuligowski for years through our mutual work with local and regional SAS users groups. He's a huge hockey fan, and he's not afraid of rats, snakes or alligators (more about that later). His sense of humor is also famous. Read on to learn
SAS Global Forum appreciates the support of its sponsors. I asked a Red Hat representative some questions so that we could get to know this valued Gold sponsor better. 1. What initiatives or goals are you trying to achieve by partnering with SAS? To help SAS and its customers exploit
SAS Global Forum appreciates the support of its sponsors. I asked a Teradata representative some questions so that we could get to know this valued Premier sponsor better. 1. Can you provide some background information on the Teradata Corporation? Teradata is the world’s largest company focused solely on raising intelligence
I believe I would have interviewed AnnMaria De Mars even if you hadn't sent me scads of e-mails and tweets suggesting her as a perfect candidate for the SAS Rock Stars series. I "met" AnnMaria when I started looking for SAS users on Twitter – nearly three years ago while
Marje Fecht has been an active SAS User and SAS Conference participant and leader for over 30 years. This year, she is the Section Chair for the brand new Enterprise Guide Section and for the Travel, Hospitality, and Entertainment section. She has provided some great highlights on these sections.. Do
I recently asked chair Debbie Buck some questions to help us learn more about the upcoming conference. Here’s what she had to share – good reading ahead! 1) How is this year’s conference different from SAS Global Forum 2010? What’s New? SAS Global Forum 2011 includes a number of changes