The DO Loop
Statistical programming in SAS with an emphasis on SAS/IML programsA 2-D "bin plot" counts the number of observations in each cell in a regular 2-D grid. The 2-D bin plot is essentially a 2-D version of a histogram: it provides an estimate for the density of a 2-D distribution. As I discuss in the article, "The essential guide to
Rockin' around the Christmas tree At the Christmas party hop. – Brenda Lee Last Christmas, I saw a fun blog post that used optimization methods to de-noise an image of a Christmas tree. Although there are specialized algorithms that remove random noise from an image, I am not going to
Binary matrices are used for many purposes. I have previously written about how to use binary matrices to visualize missing values in a data matrix. They are also used to indicate the co-occurrence of two events. In ecology, binary matrices are used to indicate which species of an animal are
Recently I showed how to visualize and analyze longitudinal data in which subjects are measured at multiple time points. A very common situation is that the data are collected at two time points. For example, in medicine it is very common to measure some quantity (blood pressure, cholesterol, white-blood cell
This is a second article about analyzing longitudinal data, which features measurements that are repeatedly taken on subjects at several points in time. The previous article discusses a response-profile analysis, which uses an ANOVA method to determine differences between the means of an experimental group and a placebo group. The
Longitudinal data are used in many health-related studies in which individuals are measured at multiple points in time to monitor changes in a response variable, such as weight, cholesterol, or blood pressure. There are many excellent articles and books that describe the advantages of a mixed model for analyzing longitudinal