Tag: video

Rick Wicklin 0
Video: What's new in SAS/IML 13.1

SAS/IML 13.1 shipped a few months ago. I was asked to produce a video that highlights some of the new features in SAS/IML 13.1. In this video I describe several changes to the language before introducing the new built-in subroutines that create ODS statistical graphs. If your browser does not

Rick Wicklin 0
Video: Calling R from the SAS/IML Language

In SAS/IML 9.22 and beyond, you can call the R statistical programming language from within a SAS/IML program. The syntax is similar to the syntax for calling SAS from SAS/IML: You use a SUBMIT statement, but add the R option: SUBMIT / R. All statements in the program between the

Rick Wicklin 0
The sound of the Dow...in SAS

At the beginning of 2011, I heard about the Dow Piano, which was created by CNNMoney.com. The Dow Piano visualizes the performance of the Dow Jones industrial average in 2010 with a line plot, but also adds an auditory component. As Bård Edlund, Art Director at CNNMoney.com, said, The daily

SAS Events
Brendan Bailey 0
An Interview with SAS CEO Jim Goodnight

SAS CEO Jim Goodnight talks about SAS' new offerings in High Performance Computing and Social Network Analysis, price changes for SAS OnDemand for Education and this year's SAS Global Forum conference in Seattle. Web Links:YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBdv5ofvaGk SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2010VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf10episode11

SAS Events
Brendan Bailey 0
It's Time for Inside SAS Global Forum

Co-hosts Dave Thomas and Waynette Tubbs kick off the behind-the-scenes look at SAS Global Forum 2010.  Learn all about the conference's social media plans and how to submit your suggestions story ideas. Web Links:YouTube:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7t_UJexoD20 SAS.com:http://www.sas.com/apps/webnet/SGF2010VideoBlog/index.html?videoID=isgf10episode1