Most insurance companies depend on human expertise and business rules-based software to protect themselves from fraud. However, people move on. And the drive for digital transformation and process automation means data and scenarios change faster than you can update the rules. Machine learning has the potential to allow insurers to
What does an analytics platform look like? We might imagine a large server with data and software used for a wide range of operational reporting, BI and data analysis. There may be development and test environments. But typically most users will be working in the same production environment, sharing the
Free will is the core of a human being. Free will implies making decisions. But how are decisions defined? Decision making is choosing an alternative from many possibilities. It is a process that results in the selection of a set of actions among several alternative scenarios. But what about business?
As businesses see the transformative potential of targeted digital marketing initiatives, they are investing in cutting-edge analytics solutions. But are they putting this technology to its best use? As data volumes continue to grow exponentially, marketers ought to have all the data they need to engage customers in new and
For many years now, companies have been seeking to understand the views of their customers by asking them for direct feedback. Market research, in the form of interviews or focus groups, has tried to understand customers’ wants and needs. And who has not sighed as yet another recorded voice informed
The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May 2018, and there is a debate about potential convergence between Moroccan data protection law (09-08) and the GDPR standard. This means that there is a good chance that the control and verification mechanisms set up by the National
The range of potential payment services has expanded rapidly over the last few years. Increasingly, we all want the flexibility of being able to pay with new payment methods, from contactless through to Apple Pay, mobile wallets and beyond. Digital natives, such as millennials, don’t just want this – they
Without the right data, any analytics initiative is just an illusion. For machine and deep learning efforts, new sources of data are always in demand. In a few of our Innovation at Scale study interviews, respondents pointed to the rising need for data hunters. I asked our resident guru on
É curioso pensar que, hoje em dia, as tendências tecnológicas acabam por ter grande impacto no desenvolvimento de novos produtos e até nos próprios modelos de negócio das organizações. Começa, aliás, a ganhar corpo uma nova geração de modelos de negócio, quer sejam eles de pequenas ou grandes dimensões, que
Building a predictive model is generally not the end of the project. Indeed, there is a major difference between building a model and actually getting it ready for people to use in their products and services. Even if the purpose of the model is to increase knowledge of the data,