
Artificial Intelligence
David Shannon 0
Trust in the process: Hyperautomation for drug development accelerates time-to-market

AI and automation – often referred to as hyperautomation – are evolving rapidly with industry experts emphasizing their increasing ability to operate independently and make intelligent decisions. By combining powerful generative AI with business expertise, organizations can accelerate and streamline their processes like never before. I recently sat down with Mayank

Customer Intelligence | Fraud & Security Intelligence
Leonora Gouveia 0
Transforming customer experience: How security and personalization create trust for customers

We all know by now that customer experience (CX) is pivotal to any organization's success. Providing seamless, secure, personalized interactions across all customer touchpoints can be transformative. To achieve this, organizations must move beyond siloed functions such as fraud detection and credit risk management, integrating these critical areas with broader

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
Ensley Tan 0
Skills shortages holding up AI implementation across APAC governments

In most countries, the government sector isn’t the first place people look for technological innovation or the rapid adoption of a proven technology. However, governments everywhere are increasingly under pressure to be more productive and to get better value for taxpayers’ money. Many private sector organizations are looking to AI

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
L'essor des données synthétiques et leur impact sur l'intelligence artificielle

Dans le paysage technologique actuel, les données synthétiques, nouveau sous ensemble de l’IA générative, apportent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour la création des modèles d'intelligence artificielle.   Contrairement aux données traditionnelles, pouvant être limitées par des contraintes de biais, de quantité, ou encore des contraintes de confidentialité et de conformité,

Advanced Analytics | Artificial Intelligence
José Humberto López 0
El futuro de la experiencia de cliente. Así es cómo la IA generativa está transformando esta área

En un mercado con clientes cada vez más exigentes, la experiencia del cliente se ha convertido en un factor decisivo. En este contexto, la IA generativa emerge como un aliado estratégico, transformando la gestión de la experiencia del cliente y fortaleciendo la relación con ellos.  Desde conversaciones automatizadas hasta la

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