This year we had the pleasure to attend the 42nd International Symposium on Forecasting in Oxford, UK. SAS participants traveled from across the globe. They presented their research, discussed their ideas, and learnt from some of the most reputable names in the forecasting space. The presentations were captivating and the
sas viya
This is the third post in a series about the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit in London. Welcome to the third and final collection of thoughts inspired by my time covering the SAS booth at the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit in London. In my previous blog, I talked about
A ligação do mundo académico ao mundo empresarial é algo fundamental não só para os alunos que têm a oportunidade de contactar com aquilo que é o ambiente e desafios da vida profissional, mas também para as próprias empresas que precisam de talento para se inovar e não perderem competitividade
SAS Visual Forecasting is a powerful and flexible tool that can cover all the forecasting needs of an organisation. Users can automatically produce large-scale time series analyses and hierarchical forecasts – without human involvement. Having both a friendly user interface and a programmatic interface allows everyone to take part in
In the previous section of this series we looked at basic summary statistics. In this article we start to consider the relationships between variables in our dataset. As part of your Explanatory Data Analysis it is worth looking for correlation between variables. Generally, when referring to correlation we mean the
Following on from my introductory blog series, Data Science in the Wild, we’re going to start delving into how you can scale up and industrialise your Analytics with SAS Viya. In future blogs we will look at how you can augment your R & Python code to leverage SAS Viya
SAS Viya 4 est un terme qui englobe toutes les versions basées sur la cadence (cf. ci-dessous). La plupart des références omettent le chiffre 4 parce qu'elles concernent une version spécifique (comme 2020.1) ou qu'elles sont pour SAS Viya en général. Dans certaines références qui font la distinction entre les
Los datos están vivos y evolucionan con el transcurso de los años. Por otro lado, la realidad que vivían las empresas hace unas décadas dista bastante de la actual, y esta “fotografía” está en constante movimiento. En este contexto, ¿cómo ha cambiado el papel de la analítica de datos en
Deloitte, ses partenaires RCI Bank and Services et SAS ont organisé pour la 3e année consécutive le DRiM Game, LE challenge étudiant dédié à la « data science ». Quatre formations de seconde année de master ont travaillé sur une problématique métier de l’industrie bancaire et relevant de la modélisation
Grace à SAS Viya, le service inventaire d’un assureur passera moins de temps sur la vérification des données et plus sur leur analyse. Des analyses dont la pertinence pourra être boostée par le biais de l’intelligence artificielle, laquelle ouvre la voie à du prédictif. Mieux traiter les données est stratégique