It is widely recognized that the right price is crucial in insurance. Insurance is what is known as a ‘grudge purchase’: customers know it is necessary, but they hope never to use it. This traditionally and theoretically means that they want to pay as little as possible for their insurance
Customer Analytics
Data should alleviate strain instead of causing new pain Recent research from SAS and Accenture underlines what many of us already knew anecdotally. Marketers are increasingly frustrated by their inability to obtain and leverage insights into customer behavior. Marketing teams have data – heaps of data – but they are unable
Catching up to the consumers Using technology and analytics to support marketing is not especially new. It is fair to say that it has been possible for some time. Many organisations have invested in marketing platforms, for example. However, there is a niggling problem. The investment may have been made, but few marketers are
El sector financiero es uno de los que ha alcanzado una mayor madurez en cuanto a su transformación digital y la pandemia del Covid no ha hecho sino acelerar este proceso. De acuerdo a nuestro informe Experiencia interrumpida: ¿continua el Covid-19 cambiando el comportamiento del cliente?, antes de la pandemia
Frequentemente ouvimos falar de transformação digital e digitalização. O certo é que, entre ser uma empresa digital e ser uma entidade que toma decisões cem por cento baseadas em dados e em conhecimento empírico, há um longo caminho a percorrer, principalmente se não contarmos com as ferramentas adequadas. Por mais
Vivemos num mundo cada vez mais digital e trabalhamos, igualmente, em organizações cada vez mais digitais. Isto traduz-se em inúmeras mais-valias que culminam em processos mais rápidos, eficazes e assertivos (e que facilitam efetivamente o dia-a-dia dos colaboradores), mas a verdade é que também coloca as organizações num grau de
“We live in disruptive times… where the only constant is a change” – this statement seems very accurate to the situation we face today. The funny thing is that this is a quote from an ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Efez, who had said it almost 2500 years ago! The “new
Aimez-vous rêver ? Moi oui et, pour être honnête, je rêve assez souvent. Aujourd'hui je vais vous parler de la banque de mes rêves. Je sais que le sujet est étrange mais pourquoi pas. Alors, à quoi ressembleraient les interactions quotidiennes avec la banque de mes rêves ? Le matin,
Pour faire face à l’érosion du niveau de satisfaction des clients vis-à-vis de leur assureur, il est impératif pour ces derniers de moderniser, de fluidifier, mais aussi d’humaniser leur relation client. Une approche centrée sur une connaissance à 360° de l’usager peut répondre au déficit de fidélisation des assurés. Selon
We live in a data-driven world. With touchpoints rapidly multiplying, consumer data continues to increase in volume and complexity. Insights derived from these touchpoints are crucial to improving the context of customer experiences. Investments in digital transformation to achieve a 360-degree customer view are now a necessity. Businesses need to