
Chuck Ellstrom 0
All Government is Local

We have all heard the old axiom that all politics are local. Recently, I have been in discussions about international responses to major disasters, Specifically, the floods in Pakistan, Haitian earthquake and Indonesia tsunami of 2004. In each of those cases, there were massive international responses to the crisis. Numerous

Christine Kjellberg 0
Character vs. Numeric

Contributed by Christine Kjellberg, Marketing Specialist and Joel Wilson, Systems Administrator As Stacey and I have mentioned in previous posts, we have expanded our study group to include another co-worker, Joel Wilson. The three of us meet weekly to review and discuss all things certification-related. Today’s installment of Open Mic

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 0
Efficient Sampling

Recently, SAS Global Forum announced the call for papers for the 2011 conference to be held at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. Since the conference is in Las Vegas, I’ve been thinking a lot about games of chance: blackjack, craps, roulette, and the like. You can analyze these games by

Kirsten Hamstra 0
SAS Authors Answer: Tips for New SAS Users

In this next installment of our video series, SAS Authors Answer, I asked our authors what tips they could offer to new SAS users. If you're new to SAS, be sure to also check out our new user page that is a great introduction to our books, documentation and newsletters.

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 0
A Prime Number Sieve

Today is the birthday of Bernhard Riemann, a German mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the fields of geometry, analysis, and number theory. Riemann is definitely on my list of the greatest mathematicians of all time, and his conjecture about the distribution of prime numbers is one of the great

Rick Wicklin 0
Some People Are Born to Write

A friend recently asked me why I am writing a book. My answer? Some people are born to write a book and some have books thrust upon them. Mine was thrust upon me, although it is more accurate to say that I thrust it upon myself. My book, Statistical Programming

Chris Hemedinger 0
Ahead of the curve

I believe that we've "done" social media at SAS the right way. I know that because I can read this Dilbert cartoon (embedded here from dilbert.com) and actually laugh, and not cringe with shameful recognition.

Chris Hemedinger 0
Who let the Devs out?

Look out, SAS and software nerds: there are more techy blogs headed your way via blogs.sas.com. Beginning this week, I've been joined by two of my fellow SAS R&D staffers: Rick Wicklin presents The DO Loop, which focuses on SAS/IML and other subjects of interest to statistical programmers, and SAS

Stacey Hamilton 0
PROC CERTIFY: The Home Stretch

I am a big sports fan—sort of. I like to watch the last quarter of the football game, the final inning of the baseball game, the last day of the golf tournament. You get the idea. So you would think that the fact that we are less than two months

Rick Wicklin 0
Hello, World!

When programmers begin learning a new computer language, the first program they write is often one that prints the text “Hello, World!” Successfully writing a Hello World program assures the programmer that the software is successfully installed and that all necessary features are working: parsers, compilers, linkers, and so on.

George McDaniel 0
A Traditionalist's Take on the Kindle

Okay, so I bought a Kindle. Now, officially, I don’t like such electronic gizmos. My oft-stated position has long been that the traditional hard-copy book is good enough for me. For one thing, the batteries don’t go dead. Be that as it may, when Amazon lowered the price a couple

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Enterprise Guide 4.3 is available

Shane and others have already discovered this. The new version of SAS Enterprise Guide is now available. The latest version offers tremendous enhancements for all users, especially SAS programmers. It includes a new SAS program editing environment that supports syntax suggestions and autocomplete, embedded syntax reference help, and a SAS

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