
Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Oh, those pesky temporary variables!

The SAS/IML language secretly creates temporary variables. Most of the time programmers aren't even aware that the language does this. However, there is one situation where if you don't think carefully about temporary variables, your program will silently produce an error. And as every programmer knows, silent wrong numbers are

Rick Wicklin 0
Reading special SAS data sets into matrices

SAS has several kinds of special data sets whose contents are organized according to certain conventions. These special data sets are marked with the TYPE= data set attribute. For example, the CORR procedure can create a data set with the TYPE=CORR attribute. You can decipher the structure of the data

Melissa Savage 0
Analytics fuels recommendations in new Department of Transportation innovation handbook

Analytics is a key piece in nearly all 31 recommendations outlined in The Innovative DOT: A Handbook of Policy and Practice.  Crafted by the State Smart Transportation Initiative, in partnership with Smart Growth America, the handbook provides 31 recommendations for state transportation officials looking for ways to increase efficiencies and

Human capital analytics and the case of the Chrysler Academy

"Correlation does not equal causation"; this is true across all data analytics, including human capital analytics, and it's a concept that coauthors Gene Pease, Boyce Byerly, and Jac Fitz-enz discuss in their new book, Human Capital Analytics: How to Harness the Potential of Your Organization's Greatest Asset. "How can we

Stefan Hauck 0
Exzellente Prognosen für 2013!

Der 21.12.2012 liegt einen Monat zurück und Sie können diesen Beitrag lesen. Das bedeutet: Wahrscheinlich ist die Welt auch in Ihrer Region nicht untergegangen. Und wie so oft, haben wir auch das souverän vorhergesehen. Mit der Vorhersage von Ereignissen ist das so eine Sache: Wir glauben, dass wir uns besser

How to implement a big data analytics program

For several years now I've wanted to do something great with the empty flower beds around our house. Starting a garden is no small task, however. What kinds of plants do I want? Will they grow here? I'm a gardening novice at best, so whose expertise should I draw on?

Mike Gilliland 0
What good is being a "great place to work"?

Popularized rankings of "best places to work" (such as in 2012, SAS ranked #1 in the world in Great Places to Work®'s list of Multinational Workplaces) tend to focus on why it is so great to be an employee. As a potential customer of one of these best places to work, why

Chris Hemedinger 0
It's raining analytics

I'm always looking for ways to make my job sound more relevant to people who ask me, "so what does SAS do?" SAS does so much that I can't possibly list it all, so I need some umbrella terms that can capture the essence of it (and still keep the

Chris Hemedinger 0
A weekend full of bad decisions

Most people try to hide the evidence of their bad decisions. But this weekend I decided to share mine to social media. I hope that it's not a career-limiting move. Actually, I made quite a few good decisions as well, outnumbering the bad ones. Still, I had many missed opportunities,

Mike Gilliland 0
Larry Lapide receives Lifetime Achievement award from IBF

The Institute of Business Forecasting has named Larry Lapide, Research Affiliate at MIT, as recipient of its "Lifetime Achievement in Business Forecasting & Planning" award -- a much deserved honor! Larry has written a quarterly column for Journal of Business Forecasting for 15 years, and I've been a longtime follower.

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