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Remember being young and bursting with anticipation of the next show and tell? You knew you had something really amazing to share, and you wanted your classmates to see or hear it. Get ready for that same feeling of excitement and anticipation. Because it’s back. On a much bigger, global
Even the best programmers make mistakes. For most errors, SAS software displays the nature and location of the error, returns control to the programmer, and awaits further instructions. However, there are a handful of insidious errors that cause SAS to think that a statement or program is not finished. For
Liebe Leser, als vertriebs- oder marketingorientierter Teilnehmer des SAS Forum 2013 sollten Sie sich das Fachpodium III vormerken: Die neue Customer Journey, Inbegriff des veränderten Kommunikations-, Mediennutzungs- und Kaufverhaltens der Konsumenten, steht im Mittelpunkt der interdisziplinär besetzen Diskussionsrunde, zu der ich Sie herzlich einladen möchte. Wir wollen uns mit der
I'm happy to announce the SAS Data Management support community has a new look and feel! And there’s lots of additional content and resources now too. The SAS Data Management community on is a central hub for anyone interested in SAS data access, integration, quality and governance. Community Manager
In SAS 9.4, the SAS programming language continues add new features by the truckload. I've already discussed PROC DELETE (which is actually an old feature, but like an 80s hit song it's now back with a better version). In this SAS Tech Talk video from SAS Global Forum 2013, I
Unbestritten wird die SAS-Welt, ob intern oder in der Kommunikation nach außen, durch das Thema SAS Visual Analytics beherrscht. In einem großen Tempo werden neue Funktionen implementiert und die Integration in bestehende Lösungen vorangetrieben. Wie kaum ein anderes Produkt lebt es aber vom Ausprobieren. Dazu gibt es natürlich auch die
What do you do all day long? I spend my time speaking with customers about what’s new in SAS 9.4, answering technical questions, and showing new users what they can do in SAS. You might spend your time on SAS data management tasks such as bringing in data and joining
The words "Detox" or "Detoxification" get thrown around a lot these days but few people know what these words really mean. Detoxification in reference to human health refers to your body’s ability to convert, or biotransform, waste products and toxins into non-toxic substances that can be excreted from the body.
As the NorthEast SAS Users Group (NESUG) approaches, I sat down with NESUG volunteer and Executive Committee member Sue Douglass to discuss all the features of this year’s conference and why SAS users can’t wait to register. This year, they’re offering over 125 papers, expanded preconference training sessions and perennial
Im Controlling stehen heute enorme Datenmengen zur Verfügung. Diese liegen allerdings oft ungefiltert und z.T. in unstrukturierter Form vor. Erkenntnisse aus diesen komplexen Daten zu ziehen ist dabei eine der größten Herausforderungen. Vor allem dann, wenn Fragestellungen des Managements nicht mit den auf der Hand liegenden Daten beantwortbar sind. Methoden
As student growth or value-added measures become more prevalent in educator evaluation systems, many question how those ratings actually help teachers improve their practice. i.e. “How does a level 3 teacher become a level 4 or 5?” Robust and reliable value-added data serve as a great starting point for teachers
The graphs produced by the SG procedures (and GTL) have a default look and feel designed for the common use cases. However, everyone has a preference for some special features that make the graphs unique. Fortunately, extensive customizations can be made to graphs produced by these tools using statement and
John Taylor likes computer data the way he likes big trout: here, there or anywhere. Which is perfectly natural, considering he’s the data analyst in the Inland Fisheries Department at Texas Parks and Wildlife. Taylor describes his unspoiled enthusiasm for big data and big fish in this sendup of Dr. Seuss that
BCBS 239, ORSA, § 32 BDSG: wenn Sie sich hier zu Hause fühlen, besuchen Sie die SAS World Live mit spannenden Beiträgen zu Fraud Detection, Unterstützung von Solvency II – Säule 2, Anforderungen nach BCBS 239. Die aktuellen Regulierungsanstrengungen lassen die Anforderungen an das Risk-Management der Banken sprunghaft ansteigen. Es
If you're a software developer, you're probably already familiar with these terms: I18N and L10N. Internationalization (I + 18 letters + N = I18N) The discipline of preparing your software to run correctly in different languages with different culture settings. For example, the software must be able to accommodate multibyte