Search Results: ODS Excel (303)

Advanced Analytics
Matthew Galati 0
Ranking NFL teams

It is January. In the United States, this means NFL playoff time! A perfect time (if you are a geeky SAS/OR guy) to use PROC OPTGRAPH to rank the best teams in the NFL. Ranking Sports Teams Ranking of sports teams is a popular (and controversial) topic, especially in the

Rick Wicklin 0
Resampling and permutation tests in SAS

My colleagues at the SAS & R blog recently posted an example of how to program a permutation test in SAS and R. Their SAS implementation used Base SAS and was "relatively cumbersome" (their words) when compared with the R code. In today's post I implement the permutation test in

SAS Events
Marje Fecht 0
My five favorite memories of MWSUG 2014

The Chicago weather cooperated for MWSUG 2014 with nice crisp fall temperatures, clear skies and beautiful sunrises over the lake.  Aside from the weather, here are my five favorite memories of MWSUG 2014:  1. Location-location-location. The location and venue were fabulous! Not only were we along the Chicago River with a beautiful

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Report from MWSUG 2014

The Mid-West SAS Users' Group conference in Chicago was a great success, with over 400 attendees and great weather.  The conference hotel was in downtown with nice view of the river and a stroll down "Magnificent Mile".  The city does a great job with the flower beds down Michigan Ave., along

SAS Events
Vince DelGobbo 0
Hey, who you callin' a WUSS?

Let's get one thing straight: I'm no wuss. Well, at least *I* don't think so. But on September 3-5, 2014, I gladly joined ranks with over 400 WUSSes descending on the Fairmont Hotel in downtown San Jose for the Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) Educational Forum and Conference. It

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
PharmaSUG-China 2014

The Third PharmaSUG-China conference was held in Beijing last week, and I had the pleasure to attend this excellent conference along with a record number of attendees. On Thursday, I presented two 1/2 day seminars on ODS Graphics.  One titled "Advanced Topics in GTL" and another titled "Complex Clinical Graphs

Rick Wicklin 0
Permute elements within each row of a matrix

Bootstrap methods and permutation tests are popular and powerful nonparametric methods for testing hypotheses and approximating the sampling distribution of a statistic. I have described a SAS/IML implementation of a bootstrap permutation test for matched pairs of data (an alternative to a matched-pair t test) in my paper "Modern Data

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: replaying using WHERE= clauses

This week's SAS tip comes from Michael Tuchman and his book PROC DOCUMENT by Example Using SAS. Michael, a senior statistician, has been using SAS since 1999. And his experience comes through in his book. It's received strong reviews including this one from SAS user Wendi Wright: "Currently, I believe PROC DOCUMENT is a highly

Mike Gilliland 0
SAS/Foresight Q1 webinar: The forecasting mantra

In this quarter's installment of the SAS/Foresight Webinar Series, Martin Joseph and Alec Finney of Rivershill Consultancy  discuss "The Forecasting Mantra." Based on their article in the Winter 2009 issue of Foresight: The International Journal of Applied Forecasting, the webinar provides a template that identifies all the elements required to achieve sustained, world-class forecasting

Data Visualization
Sanjay Matange 0
Graphs at WUSS - Part 2

Last week I covered some of the interesting graph-related papers presented at WUSS.  There were quite a few, so I broke up the report into two parts.  Here is the second installment. In the paper  Creating Graphical Patient Profiles using SAS by William Garner of Gilead Sciences, the author describes how to create

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