Tag: text mining

Advanced Analytics
Jinmo Choi 0
텍스트 데이터로 모델 성능 높이는 꿀팁

최근 화두가 되는 빅데이터와 머신 러닝은 예측 모델의 성능을 올리기 위한 방안으로 시작된 것입니다. SAS VDMML(Visual Data Mining and Machine Learning)은 예측 모델 개발 시 텍스트 데이터를 이용하여 모델의 성능을 높여주는 텍스트 분석 툴로, 비즈니스 사용자와 데이터 사이언티스트, 예측 모델 개발자 모두가 활용할 수 있습니다. 텍스트 분석은 자연어 처리 과정이

Advanced Analytics | Learn SAS | Machine Learning | Programming Tips
Suzanne Morgen 0
Learn about new data mining and machine learning procedures in SAS Viya

Have you heard that SAS offers a collection of new, high-performance CAS procedures that are compatible with a multi-threaded approach? The free e-book Exploring SAS® Viya®: Data Mining and Machine Learning is a great resource to learn more about these procedures and the features of SAS® Visual Data Mining and

Analytics | Machine Learning
Fabian Buchert 0
Ein Wahlkampf mit Trumpf – mit Textanalytics verstehen was eigentlich gemeint ist

Mal ehrlich, wenn ich Sie fragen würde, worüber die Kandidaten im diesjährigen US-Wahlkampf in ihren Aufeinandertreffen debattiert haben – welche Kernthemen würden Sie mir spontan (abseits von Skandalen und Affären) nennen? Und könnten Sie diese Kernthemen den einzelnen Kandidaten zuordnen? Als ich mir diese Frage stellte, war die Antwort –

Tuba Islam 0
Widening the use of unstructured data

Analyzing text is like a treasure hunt. It is hard to tell what you will end up with before you start digging and the things you find out can be quite unique, invaluable and in many cases full of surprises. It requires a good blend of instruments like business knowledge,

Jim Cox 0
Topical advice about topics, redux

In my last post, I talked about why SAS utilizes a rotated Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) approach for topic generation, rather than using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).  I noted that LDA has undergone a variety of improvements in the last seven years since SAS opted to use the SVD method.  So, the

Machine Learning
Andrew Pease 0
Towering Insights

The benefits of big data often depend on taming unstructured data. However, in international contexts, customer comments, employee notes, external websites, and the social media labyrinth are not exclusively written in English, or any single language for that matter. The Tower of Babel lives and it is in your unstructured

David Pope 0
Did you know analytics did that?

It is always important to continue to sell the value of analytics within your organization, especially to your leaders.   Usually, these type of results are delivered via reports, dashboards, or emails.   However did you know that analytics: Detects when expensive machinery like electrical submersible pumps (ESP) or oil platforms need maintenance before

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS author's tip: Using text mining in CRM Applications

This week's SAS author's tip comes from Randy Collica and his new book Customer Segmentation and Clustering Using SAS Enterprise Miner, Second Edition. Randy, a Senior Solutions Architect for SAS, is extremely knowledgeable and approachable. In his new book, Randy uses SAS Enterprise Miner and the most commonly available techniques for customer

Shelly Goodin 0
SAS Author's Tip: Text Mining in CRM Applications

Would you like to have a clearer understanding of your customers? If so, this week's featured SAS Author's Tip delivers the goods. SAS Press author Randy Collica is a Senior Solutions Architect for SAS and his book CRM Segmentation and Clustering: Using SAS Enterprise Miner contains a lot of how-to