Hoy en día, los modelos analíticos son la sangre vital de las instituciones financieras modernas. A través de ellos se toman diferentes tipos de decisiones que afectan las necesidades de diversos interesados. Derivadas de esas decisiones se pueden producir consecuencias adversas en las entidades financieras, tanto económicas como reputacionales, dando
Tag: risk management
SAS Expected Credit Loss es la plataforma integral y modular de SAS que permite atender los requerimientos de IFRS 9: desde la gestión de datos, el modelado y la estimación del deterioro hasta la previsión, la contabilidad y la generación de informes. Adicionalmente, ayuda a las organizaciones a implementar una
La aserción de que los datos son nuevos para el cobra y, en especial, un nuevo escenario para el negocio y en el que la economía digital es imparable. Las organizaciones de todo el mundo están cada vez más conscientes de ello y están aprovechando al máximo las innovaciones tecnológicas
Many of the regulations coming into effect after 2010, are the result of the financial crisis that has significantly re-shaped the financial industry worldwide and especially in Europe. One of the major projects that has been undertaken by the statistics team of the ECB, launched in 2011, is the setup
Negli ultimi anni l'uso sempre più diffuso di sofisticati modelli matematici, statistici e deterministici ha consentito alle istituzioni finanziarie di prendere decisioni strategiche, avendo a disposizione un nuovo livello di conoscenza. Nel contempo ha, però, condotto verso una nuova necessità: quantificare, misurare e gestire il rischio legato ai modelli utilizzati.
La industria financiera, ha desarrollado una alta dependencia en la analítica predictiva para alcanzar los objetivos de negocio y cumplir con temas regulatorios y de mejores prácticas. Este modelado toca virtualmente a cada área que tiene poder de decisión y monitoreo en la Entidad, desde el perfil de cliente objetivo,
At this point in time, Model Risk Management stands at the forefront of risk management for many of today’s financial services organizations. The majority of financial institutions are in the process of developing Model Risk Management frameworks to mitigate model risk and to become more comfortable with their models. However,
Approaches to risk assessment and management are changing. There has been a radical alteration in the nature of risk in many sectors, in that the biggest threat that many companies now face is from disruption of their business model by start-ups. This has meant that traditional approaches to risk—the appointment
Organizations of all kinds operate in uncertain environments with challenging natural, political, socio-economic and cultural influences. These influences may affect their ability to meet their objectives. The uncertain economic situation of the past few years is a clear, real and pragmatic example of the effect of this uncertainty, something known
Ante un panorama macroeconómico volátil, la búsqueda de oportunidades financieras toma trascendencia. En palabras del analista político-económico, Erick Guerrero los indicadores internacionales apuntan a una crisis del sistema financiero, basta con mirar lo que el Fondo Monetario Internacional registró en su monitor de octubre 2016, donde la deuda global se
In my first article, I looked at the main areas covered by the 4th Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Directive from the EU. This post covers the amendments to that directive introduced by the 5th AML Directive, and suggests how organizations can address the requirements of the two directives. The 5th AML Directive:
Questions about the regulatory regime related to the 4th and 5thEU Anti-Money Laundering (AML) directives are among the most frequent ones we have been getting this quarter. There can be no question that businesses are responding to increased regulations and in turn, driving demand for anti-money laundering technology to support
From national security agencies, law enforcement organizations looking to terrorism and criminal activities, internal security, audit and compliance departments, to hospitals and public health organizations guarding against disease outbreaks, there are many common needs and constant challenges, e.g.: Detect an event of interest in the early stages. Investigate suspicious events
Los episodios económicos y financieros del presente siglo han apremiado al sistema financiero a generar bases exhaustivas, perdurables y también adaptables tanto en el ámbito local como el internacional; sin embargo, aún se siguen analizando, probando, modificando e implementando planes, estrategias e ideas sobre el camino, lo cual no es
The financial crisis led to a deep reflection on the things that Banks and other financial institutions were doing wrong. The most significant factor that led to bad business decisions and in extend the results that we have all been experiencing the past few years, was uninformed analytics. This is
After the financial crisis of 2008, concerns have been raised about “too little, too late” provisioning for loan losses and IFRS 9 is coming to enforce the adoption of a new expected credit loss (‘ECL’) model for the measurement and recognition of impairment. This aims to address concerns and accelerates
In a previous blog article, Risk Data Aggregation and Reporting – Why now more than ever? – Part 1, I have discussed the requirements of the paper of the Basel Committee numbered 239 and one of the reasons the execution or application of the principles discussed therein is important for
Digitalization - the move towards a more digital world - is a well-established phenomenon. But the digitalization journey is not the same in every sector. Traditional practices, available skills and competitive forces are creating a new set of dynamics in the credit risk sector. Providers are coming under significant pressure
The Barnett Shale in North Texas hit a historic mark on April 25: Its rig count fell to zero. Two hundred rigs once harvested the 40 trillion cubic feet of natural gas in this massive basin, stretching beneath 17 Texas counties. Today, nothing. This dramatic silence in North America’s second-largest
Modeling risk to meet regulatory requirements is costly and complex. Because of that, some have suggested that financial services institutions (FSIs) move toward a set of standardized models. The argument is that central banks and regulatory authorities could then more easily monitor systemic risk and compare apples to apples. But
It’s rather appropriate that the rock band Europe recorded the hit “The Final Countdown”, because today, September 22nd, represents 100 days until the much anticipated (and delayed) European insurance legislation Solvency II will come into effect on January 1st 2016. Designed to introduce a harmonized, EU-wide insurance regulation, Solvency II
Volatility. It’s a business reality for energy market participants and it’s been a wild ride for the oil marketing business over the past few weeks. How has your energy risk data helped you navigate the recent increase in volatility and precipitous price drop? This month, we are launching a recurring
Stress testing is not new to the risk world but has been a major focus since the GFC (Global Financial Crisis). For a number of years now, stress testing has helped analytical specialists quantify various aspects of potential loss. What is new is the introduction of regulatory stress tests which
Las crisis financieras han ocurrido desde los inicios de la historia mundial y forman parte de la naturaleza de los ciclos económicos. Es casi imposible evitarlas, pero sí se pueden desarrollar mecanismos de control y prevención que permitan al sistema financiero fortalecerse y mitigar sus efectos y propagación. Según Javier
I had the opportunity to moderate a roundtable discussion on risk management at the International Institute for Analytics’ (IIA) winter symposium in Orlando earlier this month. I set the stage for the session with a brief overview of my favorite risk approach, “Competing on Value”, by Mack Hannan and Peter
We live in a world of digital communications, where social media provides the global population with the opportunity to come together like never before. This has brought a whole new dimension to consumer interaction. It provides instant channels for information exchange, experience and opinion sharing. Social media and multichannel digital