“Dear Cat, In a repeated measures drug study, I am unsure what to do with the baseline measurement. Since it is one of the time points in my study, I feel like I should use it as one of the dependent variable measurements. But I have seen analyses where baseline
Tag: sas training
Sometimes, your first impulse may not be correct, like trading in your practical sedan for a hot 2-seater. Other times, your first impulse is perfect, as in the examples below. Suppose the automobile data you wish to analyze resides in a CSV file. Naturally, your first impulse is to import
I am passionate about teaching. My colleagues would probably say this is the understatement of the year. And it likely has something to do with the fact that both of my parents were teachers. I started my teaching career at the university level and after many years an unexpected opportunity
With the pervasiveness of mobile devices, being able to read while “on the go” has been easier than ever. How many times have you found yourself in a situation where you pass the time waiting by reading something on your phone/iPad/tablet etc? With eBooks on my iPad, I find that
Are you a new SAS user who isn't sure where to begin? Have no fear, because you're not alone. Here at SAS, we often receive questions from people who need help getting started with the software. Getting Started with SAS is the topic of a SAS Talks session that I
Suppose you have an old jalopy that's perfectly reliable. Your jalopy gets you where you wanna go: no frills; no drama. Do you trade your old wheels in for a racecar that accelerates like crazy and corners like it's on rails? Or stick with what's old and comfortable? Your choice
Over the holidays I was having a discussion with my cat, Ms. Trixie Lou. A question that often arises during the first programming class is the following: how do I find the variables that are in common to these two or three data sets? As it turns out, Ms. Trixie
Are you ready for the upcoming International Year of Statistics? I have prepared myself by doing a correspondence analysis. Excusez-moi? Correspondence analysis is a technique that has been very popular in France and is therefore sometimes referred to as French Statistics. Correspondence analysis is a technique for categorical data analysis.
As a trainer for SAS Education Australia and chairperson of the local SAS User Group, QUEST (Queensland Users Exploring SAS Technology) , I meet many new SAS users over the years. In July 2011, I met Kim MacKenzie, a lecturer at Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia at an Enterprise
Unlike many of you, data hasn’t always ruled my world. Though I took statistics and economics classes in college, I built my academic career around studying history and writing papers like “The Importance of the Family Dinner in Preserving the Italian Culture among Immigrants.” Don’t laugh; it earned me an
For those of you who want to see and try e-Learning, please come visit me at the e-Learning booth at SAS Global Forum in Orlando. Follow me on The SAS Training Post, and I will tell you more about what the future holds for e-learning (think mobile and iPad!). To see
If your company has an EPTO account, it could be like getting a FASTPASS ticket to SAS Global Forum. EPTO units won't move you to the head of the line like FASTPASS (there are no lines), but they can pay for your SAS Global Forum event registration fees! Don’t know what
So, there’s a lot of talk about staying for the magic of Disney World after SAS Global Forum. What about arriving early for some SAS magic? A selection of some of the most popular SAS training courses is being offered Wednesday – Friday, April 18-20 prior to the conference. Here’s
Let's face it: ever since cats learned how to access the Internet, they've managed to besmirch their prestigious status as the "smarter-if-a-bit-aloof" pet. They've starred in many demeaning YouTube videos, bringing shame to their species for the sake of some cheap laughs. But I'm here to tell you: there are
For a service organization like ours, there are few things more valuable, let me correct that, nothing is more valuable, than feedback from our users. We are really lucky in this regard; SAS users are not bashful about sharing their opinions when it comes to “their” software. We certainly benefited
Contributed by Meg Crawford, Marketing Specialist, User & Customer Marketing; Kirsten Hamstra, Web Marketing Specialist, SAS Publishing; and Michele Reister, Field Marketing Specialist, SAS Education. If you read last month’s Open Mic blog posts from Meg Crawford and Kirsten Hamstra about all the great social media activities happening at SAS