Tag: retail

Donna McGuckin 0
How size optimization helps retailers improve inventory productivity and profitability

All of us in the retail and wholesale industry, regardless of role, are responsible for the same objectives: Increase customer satisfaction, inventory productivity, and profitability by way of localization and omni strategies. We've learned that our best strategies sometimes fall short; we spend significant effort analyzing, only to achieve marginal results. Many of

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Data Management
Alan Lipson 0
Get your house in order to cash in on retail’s omnichannel promise

Would you build a house without a proper foundation? Most of us wouldn’t dare, but that’s exactly what many retail businesses are doing today. When building a house, if you don’t get the foundation right, paint, wallpaper and fixtures won’t matter much. It’s no different in the retail industry. Success

Customer Intelligence
Leo Sadovy 0
The future of shopping

“Within ten to fifteen years, the typical US mall, unless it is completely reinvented, will be a historical anachronism—a sixty-year aberration that no longer meets the publics’ needs, the retailers’ needs, or the community’s needs.”  So proclaimed Rick Caruso, founder and CEO of Caruso Affiliated, a retail/commercial real estate development

Cindy Etsell 0
5 questions to ask about customer loyalty

In a retail market where new customers are thin on the ground, keeping hold of existing ones becomes even more important for powering growth. But how do retailers and consumers view customer loyalty? And what is the most effective way to use the now ubiquitous loyalty card? Asking the right

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
What’s hot in retail for 2013?

According to a recent article from Forbes, the three hottest trends in retail for 2013 are: Mobile -- 93 percent of mobile developers anticipate that it is “likely to very likely” that most retail companies will have enabled mobile commerce in 2013, and 2/3 of developers believe that consumers will