Tag: GenAI

Artificial Intelligence | Customer Intelligence
Lyse Nogueira 0
IA generativa em marketing: explorando o potencial além da superfície

A inteligência artificial generativa (GenAI) está se tornando uma aliada de peso para os departamentos de marketing globais, impulsionando a eficiência e a produtividade. As aplicações mais usuais da ia generativa até o momento incluem criação de conteúdo, geração de imagens e personalização de campanhas. Porém, ao nos aprofundarmos no

Artificial Intelligence
Przemysław Janicki 0
Praktyczny przewodnik po generowaniu danych syntetycznych

Jakość danych syntetycznych zależy przede wszystkim od jakości modelu, który je wygenerował, oraz – rzecz jasna – reprezentatywności i jakości danych pierwotnych. O ile ta druga kwestia, jako dobrze znana każdemu analitykowi danych, nie wymaga dalszego komentarza, o tyle kwestii jakości modelu warto poświęcić dodatkową uwagę.   Rysunek 1. Procedura

Artificial Intelligence | Predictions
Lucy Chan 0
From data to delivery: How GenAI will shape the future of public service

"Generative AI (GenAI) initiatives should support broader public goals and needs," says SAS' Ensley Tan. While governments recognize GenAI's potential to improve operational efficiency and citizen experience, there is more to it than setting up projects and expecting them to work. Tan, SAS Asia-Pacific Lead for Public Sector Consulting, said public

Hyeshin Hwang 0
생성형 AI 사용 1위 국가는 어디일까요?

생성형 AI에 대한 전세계 기업들의 투자와 활용이 계속되는 가운데, 이와 관련된 흥미로운 조사 결과가 발표되었습니다. SAS가 최근 콜먼 파크스 리서치(Coleman Parkes Research Ltd.)에 의뢰한 전세계 조사에 따르면 생성형 AI를 가장 적극적으로 사용하고 있는 나라는 중국인 것으로 나타났습니다.  중국의 비즈니스 의사 결정자들은 자사 조직의 83%가 이 기술을 이용하고 있다고 응답했습니다. 이는

Artificial Intelligence | Data Management
Zeynep Salman 0
Can your organization’s technology handle the power of GenAI?

In a previous blog post, we discussed how generative AI (GenAI) is experiencing unprecedented popularity, with organizations across various industries eager to unlock its immense potential.  We also highlighted potential use cases organizations must identify to unlock GenAI's full potential with credit customer journeys. These can include using chatbots for

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