Tag: digital transformation

Advanced Analytics | Analytics | Data Visualization
Noura Ayache 0
Prise de décision partagée et transformation personnelle sur le parcours de la Business Value de l'analytique

On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le

Advanced Analytics | Customer Intelligence | Machine Learning | Risk Management
Waldemar Razik 0
Actuarial Transformation and Execution at Speed guarantee Competitive Pricing in Insurance

Actuarial practice has always been analytical—so how much is advanced analytics disrupting this element of insurance? We discussed this issue in a recent #SASchat. The importance of competitive pricing Analytics is now being used in more and more areas in insurance, and particularly to tailor pricing more precisely to customers’

Analytics | Artificial Intelligence | Cloud
Simon Overton 0
UK Government: Time to think again about the journey to digital transformation?

I’ve written before about how the COVID-19 crisis has forced UK government departments to accelerate their digital transformation, and proved that it’s possible to put policy into practice in weeks, rather than months or years. Amidst the dark cloud of the pandemic, it’s important to acknowledge silver linings where we

David Dewilde 0
Size does not matter on the transformation journey

Assisto Consulting is a management consulting firm delivering analytical and operational solutions for banks and multiple other sectors with a strong focus on financial technology and delivering its tailor-made business solutions. Its partners are all experienced banking professionals with skills in risk management, finance, business development, and marketing, and of

Michael Guilfoyle 0
Avoiding the digital transformation technology trap

In a world increasingly characterized by digital economies and disruption, every market disturbance exponentially widens the business agility gap between the less digitally evolved and those companies that have demonstrated innovation leadership through digital transformation. For those that are not transforming with urgency, the negative consequences will become compounded to

Stephanie Krishnan 0
Are manufacturers missing out? Digital transformation reaps real benefits!

Digitally mature manufacturers outperform their non-digital peers — they generate more revenue and profit, and will out-compete non-digital companies. This is a bold statement, but it was a clear outcome of recent IDC Worldwide Manufacturing Insights research, which compared the profitability and revenue of digitally mature manufacturers to their non-digital

Analytics | Fraud & Security Intelligence | Risk Management
Ilkay Aydogdu 0
Three digital transformation challenge areas ahead for insurance providers in Turkey

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, SAS has formed dedicated global teams to predict and monitor the pandemic’s course and identify the likely impact for customers. In Turkey, we have identified three main risk areas for insurers and have set out some strategies to help our clients respond, recover