Reconsider conventional assumptions about data governance – three suggestions for chief data officers.
Tag: data governance
Joyce Norris-Montanari cites five things she considers essential to data management for analytics.
Focus on data governance, quality and storage if you want to do data management for analytics right.
Jim Harris warns against allowing your data lake to become a poorly managed and ungoverned data dumping ground.
Better decisions and analytics innovation – fringe benefits of having comprehensive data governance policies.
Joyce Norris-Montanari shares tips to help those who are still working to address GDPR requirements.
GDPR requires more than a simple privacy policy update. David Loshin outlines changes needed in the data management environment.
Don't be a data hoarder. Jim Harris shares guidelines for a data retention strategy.
Todd Wright says data governance is more relevant than ever – especially in light of the GDPR.
Jim Harris asks: Do you retain and maintain data, or do you have a data retention strategy?
Die am 25. Mai 2018 zur Anwendung kommende Datenschutz-Grundverordnung (DSGVO), oder auch GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation genannt), ist in der letzten Zeit in aller Munde gewesen. Besonders deren Auswirkungen auf einzelne Branchen oder auf spezielle Unternehmensbereiche wie Marketing und Vertrieb wurden vielfältig diskutiert. Parallel haben Softwarehersteller und Beratungsunternehmen erste
Kim Kaluba gives examples of the benefits of data governance for data lakes.
Datenmanagement ist ein alter Bekannter aus der IT – und andererseits ein neuer „Hidden Champion“ im digitalisierten Unternehmen. Warum? Weil Datenintegration und -aufbereitung einerseits eine ureigene und unverzichtbare Aufgabe der IT ist, deren Bedeutung weiter wächst. Andererseits aber stehen vor dem Hintergrund von datenbasierten Geschäftsprozessen und -modellen auch die Mitarbeiter
Todd Wright summarizes several GDPR-related blog posts that cover topics ranging from what the GDPR means to how you can manage consent.
Die Umsetzung der DSGVO duldet keinen Aufschub. Der Stichtag rückt näher, die Übergangsphase ist jetzt. Panik? Nicht doch! Atmen Sie durch und priorisieren Sie. Fragen Sie sich, über welche Bereiche die Regulatoren und Verbraucher am ehesten „stolpern“ könnten. Schließlich stellt die DSGVO auch eine Chance dar. Viele Unternehmen, die teilweise
The primary obstacle to becoming a data-driven business is that data is not readily available, leaving valuable insights unused in data silos. To overcome this hurdle, today’s companies are creating a new role: Chief Data Officers (CDO). Responsible for unlocking insights hidden in data silos, the CDO is tasked with
Jim Harris shows how data-driven businesses incorporate three aspects of data governance to guide their decisions.
Once you have a data strategy for omnichannel, what's next? Kim Kaluba explains.
Joyce Norris-Montanari says IT and business need to work together when giving business users self-service data preparation tools.
David Loshin describes some steps you can take to ensure that self-service data preparation improves collaboration.
Kim Kaluba says start the journey toward ominchannel with a data strategy based on governance.
To get full value from analytics programs, Todd Wright says be sure you can first access, integrate, cleanse and govern your data.
Joyce Norris-Montanari says focus on data quality and governance, privacy and security when providing data on demand.
David Loshin recommends enforcing governed standards to help avoid conflicting analytical results.
When we talk about consent management for the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), one of the key considerations is “consent for a purpose.” It might have been sufficient in the past to provide a form with a single generic consent check box and store the fact that consent was
Der Datenschutz macht‘s möglich: Customer Intelligence 360 geht in die nächste Dimension! Der Kunde360, „Omni-Channel“, „Data-driven Marketing“ – wer hat in den letzten zwölf Monat davon gehört? Oder, ich versuche es mal anders rum: Wer hat nicht davon gehört? Ja, richtig – wir sind im Bereich Customer Intelligence/Marketing. Und alles,
Phil Simon chimes in on the immediacy of enterprise data.
Many of the regulations coming into effect after 2010, are the result of the financial crisis that has significantly re-shaped the financial industry worldwide and especially in Europe. One of the major projects that has been undertaken by the statistics team of the ECB, launched in 2011, is the setup
Matthew Magne describes how SAS Data Quality can help you build a trusted data foundation, one stone at a time.
In part 2, Jim Harris explains more about why you should address data quality and governance issues on the way to data lakes and Hadoop.