En la actualidad, los modelos analíticos son herramientas esenciales para tomar decisiones basadas en datos. Desde prever tendencias hasta optimizar operaciones, los modelos analíticos dependen en gran medida de la calidad de los datos de entrada. La precisión, integridad y relevancia de estos datos son cruciales para obtener resultados confiables
Tag: analytics platform
Imaginez que vous pouvez créer des données aussi facilement que vous imprimez des documents. Pas besoin d'attendre, pas besoin de s'inquiéter de la conformité ou de la confidentialité. Juste une base solide de données fiables et exploitables. Dans un monde où la data est le cœur de la transformation numérique,
Dans le paysage technologique actuel, les données synthétiques, nouveau sous ensemble de l’IA générative, apportent de nouvelles pistes de réflexion pour la création des modèles d'intelligence artificielle. Contrairement aux données traditionnelles, pouvant être limitées par des contraintes de biais, de quantité, ou encore des contraintes de confidentialité et de conformité,
A pandemia trouxe grandes desafios crónicos e específicos à atividade das autoridades tributárias – como os atrasos ou mesmo suspensão do pagamento de impostos, a necessidade da digitalização de processos, o repensar formas de tributar novas atividades resultantes de empresas que começaram então a operar digitalmente, etc. – que exigiram
¿Te has planteado alguna vez como mejorar el rendimiento de tu plataforma SAS? ¿Qué es? La Administración Experta consiste en monitorizar los entornos SAS y realizar un mantenimiento reactivo y proactivo, así como atender a peticiones puntuales por parte de los equipos técnicos de los clientes. ¿Para qué? Con la
El incremento del comercio online está provocando que los usuarios sean cada vez más exigentes y dispongan de una mayor variedad de comercios donde efectuar sus compras. Tener la capacidad de ofrecer productos que se adapten a las preferencias de nuestros usuarios, es cada vez más importante y necesario. ¿Qué
On s'accorde de plus en plus à dire que presque toutes les entreprises devront recourir davantage à l'analyse. L'utilisation des données n'est plus un luxe, mais une méthode de travail essentielle. C'est un facteur d'efficience, d'efficacité et de centrage sur le client. Pour ceux d'entre nous qui travaillent dans le
What precisely, then, is needed in risk management? Users want a user-friendly interface, so that they can find what they need.
Industrial leaders need an #IoT #analytics platform and a strategy that generates intelligence in lockstep with business needs.
Digital transformation and analytics/AI are at the top of the agenda. But wait – is there anything new about it? Innovation? No. Transformation? No. Value-driven approaches? No. Is it even worth talking about AI? YES, it is! The competitive landscape and the speed of inventing new products, services and new
As businesses see the transformative potential of targeted digital marketing initiatives, they are investing in cutting-edge analytics solutions. But are they putting this technology to its best use? As data volumes continue to grow exponentially, marketers ought to have all the data they need to engage customers in new and
Large organizations are seeing an increase in the number of applications that are migrating to the cloud. SAS is a global organization with travel expense accounting, personnel management and IT support as cloud applications. But when should analytics applications move to the cloud? Here are five reasons why you should
In short, digital transformation concerns competition, speed, quality and costs. In the current connected world, the consumer has a lot of choices and is also less bound to a single provider. The customer expects immediate answers to rely on. Will someone wait two weeks for a loan approval, or will
By now it’s no secret that all kinds of organizations are using analytics to take on some of their biggest opportunities. But what about all the opportunities that have the potential to address important human issues that we have overlooked for one reason or another? Those are exactly the types
When describing their business model, our customer, Epipoli (one of the leading gift card companies in Europe), tells the story of the ancient Limoncello makers of Italy. Limoncello is an intensely lemon-flavored liqueur famously produced in Sorrento, the Amalfi coast, and the island of Capri. The drink started as a local tradition, but quickly
Note: Today’s utility industry is in upheaval. All of the assumptions the business has run on have been turned on their heads. This post is the third in a three-part series looking at how analytics are helping utilities navigate this challenging landscape and find new opportunities for improvements in operations,
Note: Today’s utility industry is in upheaval. All of the assumptions the business has run on have been turned on their heads. This post is the first in a three-part series looking at how analytics are helping utilities navigate this challenging landscape and find new opportunities for improvements in operations,
The primary obstacle to becoming a data-driven business is that data is not readily available, leaving valuable insights unused in data silos. To overcome this hurdle, today’s companies are creating a new role: Chief Data Officers (CDO). Responsible for unlocking insights hidden in data silos, the CDO is tasked with