
Diane Lennox 0
James Taylor's take on why analytics matters

Decision management expert James Taylor wins the prize for most prolific blogger from The Series. James gives us thorough summaries of great presentations on: Balancing Intuition and Analytics in Decision Making. Analytics & Innovation, Analytics in the Executive Suite. SAS Media Day customer panels on fraud detection. and optimization. By

Kelly Levoyer 1
The great debate: analytics vs. instinct

Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers and Blink, and Tom Davenport, Babson College professor and author of Competing on Analytics, engaged this morning in a debate on a live Webcast onsite at The Premier Business Leadership Series at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas. The theme of the debate is analytics vs. instinct:

Data Management
Keith Holdaway 0
A hit, a very palpable hit

In Shakespeare’s tragedy of Hamlet, the sycophantic Osric, who witnessed Hamlet’s “very palpable hit” during a fencing duel, forces Claudius to adopt another strategy to achieve his goal, Hamlet’s murder. I see this analogy playing out more and more frequently among the International oil companies (IOCs) and National oil companies

Anne Milley 0
Analytics is still our middle name

Big news in our industry this morning: IBM plans to buy analytics software vendor SPSS for $1.2 billion. In one sense, I'm sad to see SPSS disappearing into the large IBM stack. Besides SAS, SPSS was one of the last independent analytic software companies. A colleague says, “It’s the end

Kelly Levoyer 0
The culture of analytics at Marriott

At last week's SAS Global Forum, I sat down for a few minutes with Stephan Chase, Vice President of Customer Knowledge at Marriott Hotels. Chase's team provides the analytics and predictive modeling to the marketing team within the Marriott Rewards business unit. I asked him to elaborate on an earlier