I love my job, but I am not a morning person so I need a bit of inspiration to get out of bed. I’ve been a marketer for more than 15 years, and that inspiration has never been easier to find than since I joined SAS as an industry marketer
Do you want to start your year feeling great about data and analytics? Then dive into this list and read a few data for good stories that you might have missed in 2018. You'll learn how data scientists are using analytics to save endangered species, prevent suicide, combat cancer -
By now, we're all aware of the seismic shift occurring across industries as a result of the Internet of Things. But do we all see the changes in the same light? From where I sit, there's still a wide gap in viewpoints and perspectives. In its simplest form, we often
Across the business world, software as a service (SaaS) has redefined the way that people think about licencing software. In the past, licencing enterprise software was a major undertaking, but now the time-to-value has dropped from months to days. The trade-off is that organizations that buy SaaS will get an
Singer-songwriter David Wilcox kept me out of prison. That’s not a country song gone bad – it’s a real-life experience. Almost two decades ago, I attended a David Wilcox concert in downtown Raleigh, North Carolina. His songs have always hooked my heart, and one in particular caught my attention that
By now you’ve seen the headlines and the hype proclaiming data as the new oil. The well-meaning intent of these proclamations is to cast data in the role of primary economic driver for the 21st century, just as oil was for the 20th century. As analogies go, it’s not too
Once again, I have chosen to take a traditional Christmas song or carol and create a fun technology-related version of it to share with you. This is the fifth year and the eighth song, so I hope you enjoy your 2018 holiday song. Grandma got over run by a neural
There is one equation every retail store, call center, traffic, airport or hospital manager should know by heart. No, it’s not E = mc². The one I had in mind is this: W = 1 / (μ – λ) It may not look like much, but it can mean the
In this blog series, we’ve spoken directly to professors to find out why it’s so important to teach analytics, their advice for students, and to learn how they create interest in analytics programs at their universities. For this third and final post, we’ll hear how SAS has played a role
Whether you're reading industry articles about smart tags or analyst reports about inventory tracking, you've probably noticed an uptick in coverage on the adoption of IoT (and RFID) in retail. Since I've been following these topics for awhile, I've decided to dedicate a series of posts on the ways IoT can be used