
Alison Bolen 0
Is this one of those blog things?

Kevin Hillstrom poses some good questions about corporate blogging in this scenario: This morning, your strategic issue is the development of a corporate blog. Your executive team has many points of view ... How would you navigate these differing points of view? Given the information offered here, what would you

Alison Bolen 0
SAS Global Forum papers and presentations

I've noticed a few searchers showing up here looking for SAS Global Forum presentations, so I thought I'd provide some links that might help: Search Conference Proceedings: official conference site that houses proceedings as far back as SUGI 22. Proceedings for the 2007 conference are still being compiled. SAS Paper

Peter Dorrington 0
HMG's Response to the Fraud Review

On the 15th March 2007 the UK Government (through the Attorney General) gave its response (pdf) to the Fraud Review Final Report, which represents the first comprehensive and holistic review of fraud and anti fraud efforts in England and Wales. In short, the Government has accepted all the major recommendations

Shelley Sessoms 0
Feeling the energy

After days, weeks, months spent sitting behind a computer I sometimes have a hard time envisioning our customers. This can be bad because I write newsletters designed for them every month. I respond to their email inquiries...but sometimes can't picture a face to go along with a name. Today, I

Kelly Levoyer 1
No fairy tales here

I'm writing from the freezing cold press room in a resort in sunny Orlando, Florida, where SAS is hosting its annual customer and executive conference, SAS Global Forum. Amid the buzz from journalists arranging interviews with SAS customers, executives and industry thought leaders like Guy Kawasaki and Thornton May, I

Alison Bolen 0
Live from SAS Global Forum 2007

Kelly LeVoyer, the Editorial Director for sascom magazine will be posting her thoughts live from SAS Global Forum later today. Other SAS Global Forum attendees who might share their thoughts from the conference include Shelley Sessoms, Editor of the SAS Tech Report and Chris Hemedinger, whom you've already met. Who

Alison Bolen 0
BI in the public sector

I've read lots of coverage recently about the new Butler Group report that says public sector agencies could be making better use of business intelligence. That's good to know and not too surprising - but how? Peter Dorrington, head of industry marketing strategy at SAS UK, has a few ideas.

Alison Bolen 0
Whose rules? The business rules.

In this recent DM Review article, Robert Blasum does a good job of defining and describing "business rules" and explaining why they matter in business intelligence. I'm linking to it because I remember this being a term that confused me for a long time when I first started working at