
Risk Management
Jonathan Hornby 0
New approaches in Risk Management

Over 80 banks in America have been closed down this year and others have announced higher trading losses amidst increased regulatory scrutiny. Finland was the first country to announce a double dip recession. Northern Rock cut 650 jobs as part of their restructuring efforts. We’re obviously not out of the

Kristine Vick 0
Become a Master of Business Analytics

Blogs, Twitter and YouTube. Quick polls, customer success stories and news. Resources, briefs and thought leadership. Combine these numerous elements – and add even more – and you get Masters of Business Analytics, an innovative new program launched by SAS and Computerworld on June 1. With this unique combination of

Beverly Brown 1
SAS executives not afraid to sweat

It’s fashionable these days for executives to say they want their employees to be healthy. Employer-sponsored wellness initiatives are popular, and it’s easy to understand why, given the bottom-line benefits of reducing health-care costs. But how many executives actually work out alongside their workers? At SAS, where employee wellness has

Leo Sadovy 2
Business Analytics 101: Cost and Profitability Analysis

Information has a cost; good data doesn’t come for free. Bad business decisions have a cost too. Consider product cost and customer profitability. If you are using standard accounting approaches (developed a century ago to meet the needs of manufacturing), then you are most likely in that camp of bad

Jonathan Hornby 1
Planning and forecasting in the air

Whether it be ash clouds, strikes or financial difficulties, the airline industry is having a turbulent time right now. When I used to live in London, I’d pass Heathrow airport regularly. On a clear day you could see at least 10 planes stacked on their approach to the runway –

Anna Brown 1
Personal business analytics

While reading a datadoodle blog post, Self tracking is business intelligence, I was taken back to my days in the advertising and PR agency world. The blog references Peter Drucker’s book, The Effective Executive that suggests tracking your day (or having your secretary do it) in increments of 15 minutes

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