
Anna Brown 2
Behind the scenes with SAS customer YouSee

I want to share highlights from a different kind of day I recently had at SAS that was spent with a customer, YouSee, and thought leader James Taylor, CEO of Decision Management Solutions. We all shared a "Deep Dive Day" at SAS Headquarters here in Cary, North Carolina. Read on

Ian Manocha 0
A closer look at the long tail

Charles Leadbeater, a leading authority on innovation and creativity, headlines his Think Piece on big data and the civic long tail with the phrase “Big data must be opened up to the wisdom of the crowd...” Intriguing - yes, but what does it all mean? His first sentence is almost

Advanced Analytics
Anthony Volpe 5
Moneyball and the art of analytics

Last week, a new film featuring Brad Pitt came to theaters, and for a change, I’ll be dragging my wife to see it instead of the other way around.  Moneyball is based on the best-selling book by Michael Lewis (2003) which chronicles the new-age, statistically driven philosophy successfully adopted by

Ian Manocha 1
Is open data opening a can of worms?

With the publication of the Demos think piece on the importance of open data for the UK government to effectively engage with its citizens, I wanted to raise the question: How will this data be used effectively? While the UK government should be congratulated on the steps that it is currently

Rachel Alt-Simmons 2
Holy analytics, Stat-Man!

Tomorrow I was going to go visit one of our insurance clients. I was really looking forward to the meeting – a chance to share experiences with a strategic analytic team. Unfortunately, I got an e-mail from the team’s administrative assistant: “I’m sorry, but so-and-so needs to cancel. An important

Alyssa Farrell 0
Back to basics: cut through the meter hype and improve the grid

Earlier this month in Washington DC, utility executives shared the pains and triumphs in the turmoil that is today’s energy market.  With a patchwork of regulatory frameworks across North America coupled with discouraging economics of many smart grid investments, utilities seem more disparate in projects and management than ever before.

Mike Nemecek 0
Analytics gone wild?

A recent post on the International Institute for Analytics (IIA) site, Analytics Conferences Gone Wild!, is*not* about how statisticians are sexy. Yes, I'm recalling that memorable quote in the August 2009 NY Times story, "For Today’s Graduate, Just One Word: Statistics,” which included the following quote: “I keep saying that

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