Sopra Steria è una società di consulenza, servizi digitali e sviluppo software con sede a Parigi. È stata costituita nel 2014 in seguito alla fusione di Sopra e Steria, due società di servizi digitali e software. Ho incontrato Roberto Balzerani, Director Public Sector, Energy & Telco Italy, per discutere delle
“We live in disruptive times… where the only constant is a change” – this statement seems very accurate to the situation we face today. The funny thing is that this is a quote from an ancient philosopher Heraclitus of Efez, who had said it almost 2500 years ago! The “new
"Wem die Daten gehören, ist die falsche Frage. Wer die Daten zu welchem Zweck nutzen darf, wäre doch richtiger."
Vivimos una crisis sin precedentes en nuestra historia. A causa del COVID-19, numerosos países han impuesto diferentes medidas de cuarentena y restricciones a la vida social y económica. La salud es la prioridad , pero se han puesto en marcha múltiples ayudas con objeto de paliar la inmediata crisis económica.
Damit Innovation in Disruption umbenannt werden kann, braucht es erst mal ein gutes Ohr für das noch theoretische Vorhaben.
Avec la crise sanitaire, le monde du retail s’est profondément transformé. Comment s’adapter aux changements et comment anticiper le retour à la normale ? Et surtout, quelle sera cette nouvelle normalité ? Les contraintes et restrictions qui accompagnent la crise sanitaire ont eu divers impacts sur la consommation, dont une
The pandemic has hit insurers hard. Despite lower claims volumes due to reduced crime and fewer cars on the road, the sheer financial and reputational cost of COVID-19 has been enormous for the industry as a whole. Since March 2020, Lloyd's of London has made a loss due to GBP
In my 25 years in the data and analytics arena, I’ve had the good fortune to work across many sectors. Historically within the private sector, but more recently with the public sector. With digital transformation firmly on the agenda, public sector bodies are leading the way in many ways in
A dummies dashboard: every line is a group of models, the pie-chart in the center tells you how many models you manage.
By Paul Ridge, Head of Insurance, SAS UK & Ireland Black swan events are not unknown to the insurance industry. Whether it’s natural disasters such as the Japanese earthquake in 2011, the Chernobyl disaster in 1986 or pandemics such as the SARS virus in 2002. By their nature, these kinds