You may have an approach that works in terms of tackling the major challenge of getting people with suitable skills into your organisation, but this won’t mean much if the business isn’t structured in such a way that gets most out of them. Building on the previous blog looking at
O mundo mudou, está mais tecnológico, mais fragmentado, mais exigente... e o mesmo acontece com a experiência de cliente. Nunca o termo “mercado global” foi mais verdadeiro do que hoje. Uma pessoa pode comprar um produto ou serviço em qualquer parte do mundo. Basta ligar-se à internet. Este cenário é
Since the financial crisis, banking regulators have started to use stress testing as a way to examine how banks will manage under adverse conditions. The idea is to ensure that banks hold enough capital to survive economic shocks. The European Banking Authority published its draft stress-testing methodology for 2018 back
Faltam poucos meses para a entrada em vigor do novo Regulamento Europeu Geral de Protecção de Dados – vulgo GDPR, agendada para 25 de Maio do próximo ano. No entanto, e segundo o estudo “Working toward GDPR compliance” levado a cabo pelo SAS, a 340 executivos de diversas indústrias, apenas
Businesses have to make a profit. This is, if you will forgive the pun, the bottom line. It is the reason why businesses exist, and it is the most important, if not the only reason, why any business does anything. Profitability really is king. Transforming the banking sector Hold that
I travel a lot for business. I consult with customers across Africa in a variety of industries. But no matter the country, culture or industry, the one thing that most businesses have in common is that there is inevitably a disconnect between the data scientist teams and business units. Business
Internal connections between organizational members are valuable assets for any organization. The ability to reach out to your colleagues, to know who knows what and even to engage over everyday topics such as last night’s television or weekend plans are, in many ways, what defines an organization. These discussions are
Like stress testing, model risk management is one of the current ‘hot topics’ in banking. Discussed extensively at a recent risk executive roundtable in Amsterdam, it is clear that the issue is exercising minds to a considerable degree. What’s more, it is also only likely to become more important in
Quest’articolo è stato tradotto e integrato dal post originale di Lee Thorpe È un cambiamento fondamentale quello a cui le compagnie assicurativa stanno andando incontro. L’IFRS 17 sarà introdotto dallo IASB (International Accounting Standards Board) a partire dal 2020 e trasformerà la modalità di costruzione dei bilanci. Coerentemente con gli
There is so much going on that has potential to improve the way that insurers operate, it’s hard to know which opportunities to address, and also, which risks are too important to ignore. At SAS, we are fortunate to have a team of industry experts who understand how to contextualise