Banking and Financial, this industry has been on the edge investing in anti-fraud technology, anti-money laundering technology, anti-cybercrime technology.
Wir können durch unseren technologischen Vorsprung den Landwirten eine bessere Entscheidungsgrundlage geben.
"Deshalb befinden wir uns in einer ewigen Schleife der technisch-ethischen Diskussion."
Last summer, I joined a growing trend: I took an online course on machine learning algorithms run by Stanford University.
Wer sind wir? Üblicherweise stellen sich nur menschliche Philosophen diese Frage. Doch mit Einzug von Künstlicher Intelligenz ist auch Unternehmensleitern angeraten, solches zu fragen. Nicht, dass sich welche für IT-Dienstleister halten, doch in Wahrheit Personaldienstleister sind. Was ja nicht schlimm wäre, solange sich das Produkt verkauft. Doch mit zunehmender Globalisierung
Um dos principais focos do SAS é entregar, aos clientes, soluções comprovadas e inovadoras que garantam a melhoria do seu desempenho e os ajudem a diferenciar-se dentro da sua área e mercado de atuação. Ajudá-los a tirar o máximo proveito de cada ferramenta faz também parte da missão do SAS,
Presence of machine learning is a complementary to human decision-making within the public sector.
Having trouble easily moving software from one environment to another? Surely this ought to be an uncomplicated process, especially in the modern age of technology! However, let us consider an analytical model built in a design environment to detect fraudulent credit card transactions. This is now ready to be rolled
Alors que certains annonçaient encore récemment la mort du commerce de détail en magasin, prédiction confortée par la croissance explosive d'Amazon, nous avons clairement vu se profiler une seconde vie des magasins en nous promenant dans les couloirs du Javitz Center de New York pendant la NRF 2020. Le commerce
The amount of data collected and analyzed by hospitals and health care organizations across the world was already on the rise, but the global pandemic has sharpened the focus on data even more. With trends changing not daily, but hourly, during the pandemic, health care professionals struggle to monitor larger