Did you know that there is only one seven-star hotel in the world? Although I have lived in Dubai for over a year now, I visited this hotel, the Burj al Arab, for the first time four weeks ago. I joined the SAS Middle East team for an event on
Digitalization has made and will continue to make a huge difference in many industries, and insurance is not an exception. My colleague recently wrote about the possibilities that the Internet of Things will bring in insurance. Being able to track driving or living habits with the help of the data
Den «International Fraud Awareness Week» er tilegnet bevisstgjøring mot svindel. Kampanjeuken var i vinter rettet mot svindel, økonomisk kriminalitet, compliance og svart arbeid, og hadde som mål å øke kunnskapen om skadevirkningene fra svindel gjennom bevisstgjøring og kompetanseheving. SAS Institute arbeider sammen med banker, forsikringsselskaper, helsevesenet og andre offentlige virksomheter
The value We don’t just use technology for the sake of technology, it should make things easier and more efficient! Understanding your data could involve a lot of steps, and we are eager to show you just how easy it can be done. Have you ever thought of a computer
“Are you serious? You REALLY want run your queries in our operational patient system first thing in the morning? That is when we have most patients admitted and their data being updated. I mean, analytics is great, but you will kill our service levels because of your daily queries!”, raged the
Fraud is a renowned issue for insurance companies and government organizations such as tax offices across the globe. Its forms vary from small exaggeration or falsification by individuals to systematic production of fraudulent claims or tax scams by criminal organizations. Nevertheless, we are talking about a phenomenon which is estimated
Let’s talk analytics. Not in analytics in general, but rather Customer and Marketing Analytics. Both terms are, according to Google Trends, continuously trending upwards with a clear spike during the last months. Both terms are also increasingly present in our discussions with companies out there, regardless of industry. To get
Many data scientists began their careers as statisticians or data analysts. Data is no longer just an afterthought for IT to handle. It’s key information that requires analysis, creative curiosity and a knack for translating high-tech ideas into new ways to turn a profit. Data scientists weren’t on many radars
”Tämähän maksaa itsensä takaisin todella nopeasti”, kuulostaa perinteiseltä myyntipuheelta. Tällä kertaa kommentti tuli kuitenkin spontaanisti kansainvälisen palveluorganisaation tietohallintojohtajan suusta, kun hän näki ensimmäistä kertaa visuaalisesti esitetyn analyysin organisaationsa myynnin tehokkuudesta. Eikä nyt puhuta mistään raportin visualisoinnista upeilla liukuväreillä. Nyt puhutaan kovan luokan analytiikasta, jossa vuosien myyntidata murskataan tilastollisilla algoritmeilla atomeiksi
Svindel har satt seg fast i global handel og ingen vet vel egentlig omfanget knyttet til illegal grensekryssing og ukorrekt eller manglende deklarering. Noen mener det utgjør 7 – 10 % av den globale økonomien. Det er i tillegg komplekse gråsoner knyttet til avgiftsberegninger og lovanvendelse for videre eksport av