I media leser vi daglig om Big Data og hvordan dette vil påvirke oss på godt og vondt. Internasjonalt har Norge kommet relativt langt i digitaliseringen og helsesektoren er på full fart inn i denne gjennom sine moderniseringsprogrammer. Stort sett alle bransjer ønsker å digitalisere, men flere er usikre på
Business oriented IT Managers must bring modernization to the table now because it will increase the value of IT and the value of using SAS. Management will probably approve projects that are better (quality, aligned with strategy), faster (time) and cheaper (cost). Reaching all three parameters is difficult because higher
Having just returned from a whirlwind week in sunny Las Vegas, Nevada, I want to share with you a few of the many news and impressions from our biggest event of the year. First of all, we were excited to welcome customers, partners and SAS employees to the largest
Did you find that special card of diamonds in the card deck if you were gambling in Las Vegas? Did you find that golden egg? Did you manage to keep up with everything that was happening almost 24/7? The program at SAS Global Forum was set from morning to late
SAS Institute has its annual user conference 2016 in Las Vegas, SAS® Global Forum, and it is the largest conference ever with more than 5 000 attendees. Users and analysts from all over the world hear about use cases from all industries - from customers, partners and SAS. The demo area
If you don’t believe Analytics and Sports go together you may want to stop reading here. Or you may want to start with validating my previous reasoning on "Why Sports should embrace analytics". If you find you are past the “Why?” you may instead think that the title above doesn’t
«Merverdiavgiftssystemet er basert på tillit. Det er de næringsdrivende selv som deklarerer avgift som skal betales eller utbetales, og dette gir betydelig risiko for både ubevisste og bevisste feil hos den avgiftspliktige». Denne forumuleringen er sakset fra rapporten om Riksrevisjonens undersøkelse av skatte- og avgiftsmyndighetenes kontroll av merverdiavgift, og jeg ønsker
For mange av oss er det først når vi hører om millionbeløpene innen konkurransekriminalitet at vi slår opp øynene. Ser vi nærmere etter, finner vi også pris- og konkuransesamarbeid, og annen kartellvirksomhet, på mindre oppdrag og avtaler som over en lang periode genererer store beløp. Kartellmedlemmer samarbeider om pris og
Nordic Countries are often considered as the best examples of welfare states, in which the economic and social well-being of the citizens is top class. This means various social benefits in the different stages of the life of a citizen, especially in the case of hardships, such as unemployment or
With the wide spread Moneyball success story you may think this question is already answered. I for one used to think so. However, after I’ve enthusiastically tried to use the Oakland A’s success story as a metaphor and inspiration for applying analytics, with mixed success, I think it’s worth elaborating