Graphically Speaking
Data Visualization with a focus on SAS ODS GraphicsOften it is desirable to use special Unicode characters for the tick value names on the axes. However, SG procedures and GTL do not support Unicode strings in SAS data sets. With SAS 9.3, the SGPLOT procedure supports annotation which does support Unicode strings. You can create an annotation data set
A commonly requested graph is a bar chart with response and targets. With SAS 9.3, the SGPLOT procedure supports new "parametric" plot statements called HBARPARM and VBARPARM. These statements are special versions of the HBAR and VBAR statements and they expect summarized data for each category or category+group combination. Also,
Often we have the need to see the data by two different classifiers at the same time, as requested by a recent query on the SAS Communities page. In this example I have simulated a response over time for patients by study and treatment. We want to create series plots
OK, I promise this is the last article on Forest Plots (at least for a while). In the previous article on Subgrouped Forest Plot with Font Attributes, I discussed how to use bold text for subgroup headings. I mentioned that increasing the font size would not work as it would
Just a few days ago our "super-duper tech support trooper" called in asking for the link to the subgrouped Forest Plot with bold headings. She was referring to this Forest Plot with Subgroups I had posted earlier. However, as you can see, while the subgroup values are indented from the subgroup headers, the headers
In this final post for 2012, I would like to finish up the panel sorting topic with a discussion on sorting the panel cells by statistic. With this sort, the response or dependent data in each cell is calculated down to a single statistic value (mean or median, for example). These values are