It’s already mid-January and some of those resolutions/goals/fresh starts whatever-you-want-to-call-them are getting hard. Maybe you’re re-evaluating.
I’ve set my sights on a Spartan SPRINT this year. As a 2x IRONMAN finisher, I’m no stranger to running or super challenging athletic events, so as far at that 5K run, I’m good. Endurance is my thing. Now, letting go of my hand from 1 monkey bar to the next? Sure. Let me just get right on that as my life flashes before my eyes. Have you seen that 7-foot wall? I’m 5’ 4” and supposed to “just jump up and grab the top to muscle my way up.” Ha! My current vertical is 7 inches tops. You do the math. Pull up. My shoulders and lats are supposed to lift these cycling quads? Inverted wall. Yeah, ok. And how does that happen without breaking your neck? I’ve got kids to feed and bills to pay.
IRONMAN training has taught me to have faith; with practice, the fitness will come. When you register for a race, you don’t need to have the endurance to finish it, just the guts to start. This year, I’m in uncharted territory. I’ve never completed a pull up without assistance or climbed a rope. And those obstacles I mentioned above, yea, those either. Why would I? On the other hand, how cool would it be if I could? When my mind goes there – especially as I watch my boys swing through a new rig like monkeys - I’m inspired to keep showing up. New workouts in the gym and new classes. New soreness as I use muscles that haven’t been used this way before. New empowerment and pride each time I get a little further on an obstacle. As hard as it is, I’m loving every moment. I’ll keep showing up, and one step at a time I’ll get there - whether “there” is strong enough to master the obstacles or to show my boys how to gracefully fall off Olympus and then complete every penalty burpee.
When you consider your 2020 goals, what’s going to keep you going when it gets tough? Need a little more inspiration? Check out these SAS Life posts and keep showing up! Your “it” will happen one baby step, hand release, or mile at time!
Cut the excuses; it’s time to get moving!
Eating 8-10 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables
How to get from your desk to the gym and back in an hour
Iron-Strong Relationships in the Midst of Change