
Angela Hall 0
Using custom formats in Information Map Studio 4.2

The easiest option is to simply move your 9.2 format catalog to Lev1/SASApp/SASEnvironment/SASFormats/formats.sas7bcat. But you can also modify your SASv9.cfg configuration file to point to a different location: -set fmtlib1 "E:sharedformats" -fmtsearch (fmtlib1.formats) So e:sharedformats is a shared location for the format catalog, and formats (filename formats.sas7bcat) is the name

Chris Hemedinger 0
Numero Uno

This sign greeted me as I was driving into work this morning for a routine appointment at our onsite health care center. Appropriate, don't you think? Last year at this time, I downplayed the importance of being the actual #1 company to work for, stating that the "staying power" that

Angela Hall 0
Establishing and using a SAS data set as a BI Dashboard 4.2 source

A couple notes on how to set up and use a SAS dataset for a BI Dashboard Data Model. 1. The folder location (for TS2M2 installations) of dboard_sas.dsx is: <config dir>Lev1AppDataSASBIDashboard4.2dataSourceDefs 2. The format for the libref change is LIBRARYName 'File Location'; LIBRARYName 'File Location'; Such as: <LibRefs>BIDASH 'C:SASDataBIDashboard';</LibRefs> Where

Angela Hall 0
Scheduling reports in WRS 4.2

Have you looked into scheduling reports in Web Report Studio? Two scenarios that make this option valuable to SAS Business Intelligence Users: 1. Performance Improvement via Report Caching If the data is only updated weekly (for instance) but the report is viewed multiple times in the week, scheduling the report

SAS Events
Stacey Hamilton 0
Viva SAS Technical Support

Last Friday I had the pleasure of spending a rewarding hour sitting with Jan Squillace, a technical support analyst for SAS. Jan actually reached out to Christine and me, inviting us to “sit in on an hour of Tech Support Phone Duty, just to see what happens in the real

Angela Hall 0
Portal group administration in 9.2

Included are some notes on Portal Administration in SAS 9.2. 1. Create a User Group in SMC, include members and a content administrator to this group. 2. Restart the Web Service or Log into Portal as sasadm@saspw (per documentation: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/biwaag/63059/HTML/default/ag_permissiontrees.htm) 3. Configure a group content administrator by opening the 'Group

Angela Hall 0
Reading tweets from twitter via SAS

So you want to grab tweets from twitter? There are several other blog posts to assist, including the SAS blog reference below. Grab the status of one twitter account (changing USERNAME to the twitter handle) via: http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.xml?screen_name=&USERNAME&count;=3200 Then to help folks get jumpstarted, use the XMLMAP that I created below

Chris Hemedinger 0
Why I review SAS Press books

Angela recently posted about how important it is for technical experts to share, not hoard, their information. Late last year I completed a technical review of The Little SAS Book for Enterprise Guide 4.2. Before that I served as reviewer for The Little SAS Book, Fourth Edition (covers SAS 9.2).

Angela Hall 0
Share your information!

As I mentioned earlier this week via Twitter: "Newsalert: You are no longer considered an expert if you hoard all the info to yourself. You MUST share - train/blog/ppr/tweet!" (http://twitter.com/angelahall1/status/7445045263) I have personally experienced subject matter experts who refuse to share the information they learn. They feel they must charge

Shelly Goodin 0
Wrapping up 2009

Contributed by Michele Burlew, president of Episystems Inc. and SAS Publishing author What a great way to end 2009 by having both Combining and Modifying SAS Data Sets: Examples, Second Edition (CMDS) and Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond (ODS) in print! Each is a hefty stocking stuffer for

Chris Hemedinger 0
"You have Jail"

North Carolina law enforcement officials can now track individual criminal histories using a much more comprehensive collection of data, all managed and accessed via software provided by SAS. According to this recent news article, transitioning from the archaic text-screen-based system to the new web-based interface is "like switching between Pong

Learn SAS
Stacey Hamilton 0
Zuzu's petals

We watched our favorite holiday movie last weekend: Frank Capra’s It’s a Wonderful Life. Most who know me would be surprised to read that I start sobbing at about the time that Mr. Gower buys George his—alas, unused—around-the-world suitcase and don’t stop until (spoiler alert!) Clarence gets his wings. One

Learn SAS
John West 0
An editor's wrap up

As the year comes to a close, you have no doubt seen by our many book promotions how busy all of us in SAS Press have been this year. For me personally, it has been a very productive and gratifying year to see three of my book projects become a

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
Forecasting Resources

Although I would like to flatter myself and believe that my readers rely solely on The BFD for all their business forecasting news and information, I realize this is not the case. While other sources may not be as honest, useful, or delightfully entertaining to young and old alike, they

George McDaniel 0
'Tis the season

This is surely an exciting season, not just because Santa’s on his way and there’s a new year around the corner, but also because an exciting new book from SAS Press has just been published. Veteran SAS Press author Sandra Schlotzhauer has followed up her Elementary Statistics Using JMP and

Chris Hemedinger 0
Greatest hits from 2009

2009 is almost over, and us SAS employees are busy compiling information for our managers to answer the question, "Just what did you do this year, anyway?" I'm asking the same question of you, Dear Reader. What did you get from this blog in 2009? Here are the most visited

Shelly Goodin 0
An Exciting and Challenging Journey

Contributed by Brenda and José Ramírez, authors of Analyzing and Interpreting Continuous Data Using JMP: A Step-by-Step Guide A few years ago an exciting and wonderful opportunity presented itself to us. The JMP team approached us with the idea to write a book for engineers and scientists. From a professional

Christine Kjellberg 0
‘Tis the season

‘Twas two weeks before Christmas, and all through the halls You could hear Stacey & Christine’s heads banging a wall; Their study group met, and they had a few questions, Please read below and give them your suggestions. This week’s assignment has been Chapter 4 and 5 in the Certification

Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS Talks: You listening?

My most-visited blog post of 2009 discusses how SAS programmers can use SAS Enterprise Guide effectively. Next Thursday (17Dec2009), I'll be discussing this topic live in the next installment of the SAS Talks series. It's a webinar presentation, where you can listen to me talk, watch me demonstrate the software,

Shelley Sessoms 0
A Busy Year

My primary job with SAS Press is to acquire new books. I do this by talking to customers about their use of SAS…whether it’s on the phone, via email or during conferences and trade shows. There are many SAS customers, and many people interested in writing about their experience. Take

Chris Hemedinger 0
One-stop shopping for the freebies

I'm in the middle of restaging my primary desktop machine at work with Windows 7. It's exciting, but I still have the mundane task of resinstalling all of my essential applications so that I can work again. These apps include things like Notepad++, Chrome, Firefox, Paint.NET and more. Ninite.com offers

Angela Hall 0
Modifying SAS account passwords in 9.2

For SAS 9.2 implementations, changing SASADM, SASSRV, and other SAS account passwords has gotten much easier. The SAS 9.2 Deployment Manager Tool (found at /SAS Deployment Manager/9.2/config.exe) can actually be run to complete this task! The section starting with "To update a password with SAS Deployment Manager:" on page: http://support.sas.com/documentation/cdl/en/bisecag/61133/HTML/default/a003071148.htm#a003262956

Stacey Hamilton 0
The Daunting Delimiter and the Intriguing Informat

You may (or may not) have noticed, but we took the week off from our rigorous blogging schedule (and, frankly, from studying for the certification exam) to celebrate Thanksgiving. The tryptophan-filled turkey would have probably made me nod off in the pages of my certification guide anyway. My holiday was

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