
Kirsten Hamstra 0
Are you ready for Fall? We are!

It's hard to believe that the summer season is winding down and cooler weather, fall leaves and football (Go Panthers!) is around the corner! Around SAS, we are gearing up for the fall conference season. I recently asked the fans of our Facebook page if they have ever attended a

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
North Carolina DMV redux?

Did the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles regain its sanity? Or was this just another tease? As you recall from last year, my application for “THE BFD” personalized license plate was accepted – then rejected – even though that extra $30 fee could have eased at least some of

Fraud & Security Intelligence
Michael Protz 0
Keep Those Laboratories Open!

The last two years have been one long, downhill-only roller coaster ride for state and local governments. Budget crises that are the result of decreasing revenues at every level have left state legislatures, governors and local government leadership struggling to maintain effective services for their citizens and, in some cases,

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
FAQ: Retail Store Forecasting

Self-anointed as The Aristocrat of forecasting related blogs, The BFD takes its public service role seriously (or at least as seriously as anyone who self-anoints on a regular basis can be taken). Among the services The BFD provides, both publicly (on webcasts or speaking engagements) and privately (by phone, email,

Angela Hall 0
Creating a relational OLAP cube (ROLAP)

SAS allows for three different cube storage mechanisms: 1. MOLAP The traditional SAS OLAP Cube will all aggregations / nway stored on a physical file structure accessible by the SAS OLAP Cube Server. 2. ROLAP A relational OLAP cube - where no aggregations are stored and SAS points to the

Chris Hemedinger 0
Hey, I'm still here!

Today's Australian news journal features an article about how Dr. Jim Goodnight swept into Australia for the SAS Forum event, delivered his remarks and pressed a few palms, and then was on his way back home -- according to the article -- on the very same day. That's not exactly

Rick Wicklin 0
Close to Publication

I just returned home from Vancouver, British Columbia, where I attended the 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM). I heard that more than 5,300 statisticians attended this year, including about 40 or so from SAS. I stayed busy. I gave a presentation on techniques for visualizing time series, gave a two-hour

Programming Tips
Chris Hemedinger 0
Talking in my sleep

I've completed my first day of teaching a two-day course about SAS Enterprise Guide. I'm in Sydney, Australia...but my biological clock is still tuned into Cary, North Carolina time. I woke up at 1 a.m. today and even though I tried to convince my body that it was still time

Christine Kjellberg 0
Reach for the stars

"Goals are dreams with deadlines." Diana Scharf Hunt If you had told me a year ago at this time that I was would be training for triathlons and studying for the Base SAS Certification test, I probably would have said you’re crazy. But, late last summer a good friend of

Shelly Goodin 0
Meeting the Authors of JMP Essentials

Last week, I got a chance to meet up with authors and San Francisco JMP colleagues Curt Hinrichs and Chuck Boiler while they were in Cary, NC, on business. Despite their super hectic schedules, they kindly agreed to get together at 8 a.m. in the lobby of the swanky Umstead

Angela Hall 0
Need a place to put other web viewable files?

What if you need someplace to store static files for web consumption. Things that might come to mind: Images HTML Static Title Pages JavaScript PDF Documentation (such as how-to instructions) An ideal place would be a HTML server, since these aren't active files. However in a standard 9.2 installation, there

Kirsten Hamstra 0
About "Business Analytics for Managers"

Contributed by Gert H. N. Laursen and Jesper Thorlund In Business Analytics for Managers, we emphasize that analytics and BI initiatives are complex processes that involve parties all across an organization. And those processes are only as strong as the weakest link. What good will it do for a company

Angela Hall 0
Expand all OLAP levels in Web Report Studio

When viewing OLAP cubes in Web Report Studio, there comes a time when the user might want to view all the levels within the hierarchy, without the cumbersome process of selecting and expanding each individual item. In 9.2, there is a quick solution. When you right click on the level-heading

Kirsten Hamstra 0
A Look Inside "Business Analytics for Managers"

Contributed by Gert H. N. Laursen and Jesper Thorlund Our book, Business Analytics for Managers: Taking Business Intelligence Beyond Reporting, was published last month. The book is the latest in the Wiley and SAS Business Series. When people ask us why we wrote the book, we usually give them one

Stacey Hamilton 0

Contributed by Christine Kjellberg and Stacey Hamilton “It's weird...you know the end of something great is coming, but you want to hold on, just for one more second...just so it can hurt a little more.” --author unknown As interesting as this journey toward the certification exam has been, it—like all

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
The Contest

Better forecasting can, of course, help address many business problems. We want to believe that more accurate forecasts are always possible. “If only,” management bemoans, “if only we had bigger computers, more sophisticated software, more skilled forecast analysts – or if the analysts we have just worked harder!” Unfortunately, there

Angela Hall 0
ODS graphics in activeX

Using ActiveX in SAS graphics provides users with more functionality, options, and pretty colors than Jpeg, gif, etc (check out these examples). The issue is that ActiveX requires a device driver installed on the viewing machine, similar to Flash. In SAS 9.2, the sasgraph.exe is available within the SASWEB component deployed

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