Search Results: Visual Analytics (1733)

Anne-Lindsay Beall 0
WUSS up San Francisco??

The Western Users of SAS Software (WUSS) have the best acronym ever, and they're putting on an amazing conference in San Francisco this week.  The conference kicked off today with conference chairs Kathryn Valdes and Ginger Carey’s announcement that the Pacific Northwest Users Group is merging with WUSS next year, adding

Advanced Analytics
Mike Gilliland 0
The New (BF) Deal

We had a tornado in April, an earthquake on Tuesday, a drought all summer, and a hurricane arrives on Saturday. All I can figure is that Cary, NC has way too many sinners per capita. What's next -- pestilence? The BFD Makeover The BFD (and all SAS blogs) will now be

SAS Events
Chris Hemedinger 0
SAS programmers: meet Twitter

"Twitter, thou art nought but data." So sayeth the SAS programmer. Many data analysts now recognize Twitter for what it is: a tremendous source of data covering almost any topic, from Justin Bieber's hair to political uprisings to technical conferences to company brands. SAS offers sophisticated solutions to harness this

Waynette Tubbs 0
SASonality = Sy Truong

I've never met Sy Truong face-to-face. (That will be one of the top items on my SAS Global Forum 2011 to-dos.) I’ve talked with him on Twitter and enjoyed his blog so much that I listed it in an edition of the SAS Tech Report. I’ve even talked with him

Chris Hemedinger 0
This is your database...on SAS

Curt Monash posted a nice summary of the current and planned offerings that help to make SAS analytics more available "in the database" -- allowing you to analyze your data quickly without having to move it around so much. If you use SAS with Teradata, Netezza, or DB2, much of

Anne Milley 0
Playing in Everyone’s Backyard

One of my all-time favorite quotes is from John Tukey: “The best part about being a statistician is you get to play in everyone’s backyard."? Statistics (and more broadly, analytics) contributes to and draws from multiple disciplines. There is a unity to analytical methods: The same method used in quantitative

Waynette Tubbs 0
Technology Connection Reloaded

One of the events I look forward to every year is the unveiling of a year’s worth of SAS R&D’s magic. It occurs during the SAS Global Forum Technology Connection. Today’s show was all we could have hoped it would be! We heard from some SAS software, technology and statistics

Angela Hall 0
Designing dashboards successfully

During Analytics Camp 2010 this past weekend, I facilitated a discussion with a great group of attendees looking to create or improve their own dashboards. The question asked was: "What should all dashboards have to make them useful & successful?" During this discussion I added *** within my notes around

Chris Hemedinger 0
"Open in JMP" from SAS Enterprise Guide

The SAS Visual Data Discovery package includes, among other things, SAS Enterprise Guide and JMP. If you are among the growing numbers who use these two software applications together, you might be looking for more ways to integrate the two. Here's one way: a SAS Enterprise Guide task that opens

Waynette Tubbs 0
Spoiled on SAS

I’ve read - and heard - that SAS spoils its employees. I’ve been at SAS for six months, and it’s true. A great example is the training. Earlier this week, I was invited to attend a SAS® Hands-On Workshop. The workshop is actually designed for customers, but open to everyone.

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