Search Results: simulation (475)

Elliot Inman 0
Data visualization before and after

A colleague and I were looking for a good example of how analysts used to use graphics to report data, a data visualization before and after, so to speak. We needed a good "before" screenshot for a “before and after” comparison for our SAS Global Forum 2015 paper, Visualizing Clinical Trial Data.

Rick Wicklin 0
DO loop = 1 TO 600;

Today is my 600th blog post for The DO Loop. I have written about many topics that are related to statistical programming, math, statistics, simulation, numerical analysis, matrix computations, and more. The right sidebar of my blog contains a tag cloud that links to many topics. What topics do you,

Rick Wicklin 0
Let's talk at SAS Global Forum 2015

The 2015 SAS Global Forum is in Dallas, TX, and I'll be there. There are many talks to see and people to meet, so thank goodness for the agenda builder, which enables you to create a schedule in advance. I always enjoy talking with SAS customers about statistics, simulations, matrix

Rick Wicklin 0
Simulate the Monty Hall Problem in SAS

The Monty Hall Problem is one of the most famous problems in elementary probability. It is famous because the correct solution is counter-intuitive and because it caused an uproar when it appeared in the "Ask Marilyn" column in Parade magazine in 1990. Discussing the problem has been known to create

Martin Demel 0

Bei der Herstellung von hochauflösenden Flüssigkristallanzeigen (engl. lyquid cristal display, LCD) werden chromophore Farbpigmente auf Nanometergröße gemahlen und dann weiterverarbeitet. Dieser Mahlprozess ist teuer. Ein Erkennen und Bestätigen der Hauptursachen für eine kürzere Mahlzeit sind somit zeit- und kostenkritisch. Doch wie geht man vor, wenn man aufgrund starker Wechselwirkungen (ein

Rick Wicklin 0
How to pass parameters to a SAS program

This article show how to run a SAS program in batch mode and send parameters into the program by specifying the parameters when you run SAS from a command line interface. This technique has many uses, one of which is to split a long-running SAS computation into a series of

Advanced Analytics
Rick Wicklin 0
Create an array of matrices in SAS

The SAS DATA step supports multidimensional arrays. However, matrices in SAS/IML are like mathematical matrices: they are always two dimensional. In simulation studies you might need to generate and store thousands of matrices for a later statistical analysis of their properties. How can you accomplish that unless you can create

Learn SAS
Rick Wicklin 0
Five tips from Simulating Data with SAS

Data simulation is a fundamental technique in statistical programming and research. My book Simulating Data with SAS is an accessible how-to book that describes the most useful algorithms and the best programming techniques for efficient data simulation in SAS. Here are five lessons you can learn by reading it: Learn strategies

Data Management
Jim Harris 0
Data steward is a tough role to play

In my previous post I explained that even if your organization does not have anyone with data steward as their official job title, data stewardship plays a crucial role in data governance and data quality. Let’s assume that this has inspired you to formally make data steward an official job title. How

Rick Wicklin 0
Resampling and permutation tests in SAS

My colleagues at the SAS & R blog recently posted an example of how to program a permutation test in SAS and R. Their SAS implementation used Base SAS and was "relatively cumbersome" (their words) when compared with the R code. In today's post I implement the permutation test in

Rick Wicklin 0
Fat-tailed and long-tailed distributions

The tail of a probability distribution is an important notion in probability and statistics, but did you know that there is not a rigorous definition for the "tail"? The term is primarily used intuitively to mean the part of a distribution that is far from the distribution's peak or center.

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