El ritmo de vida actual puede resultar, en ocasiones, un tanto acelerado. Sin embargo, cuando se trata de poder encontrar el bienestar en las áreas más importantes de nuestras vidas, toda gira entorno a alcanzar el equilibrio. En este sentido, tomarse un descanso que nos permita recargarnos y reajustarnos es
Tag: talent
Antonie Berkel, Technical Account Manager at SAS, is nominated for the Dutch Computable Awards in the IT Talent of the Year category. He is responsible for accounts in the Public & Healthcare sector in Benelux. He is one of the driving forces behind developing the Healthcare Startup Service that helps
At the end of this week, I’m heading to the beach for our annual extended-family beach trip. This has been a tradition for decades—well before I was born. Yes, which beach we go to has changed, the week we go has varied over the years, but we are committed to
How do we hire data scientists at SAS, since we are not unique in our search for a rare talent type that continues to be in high demand? This post is the last in a series on finding data scientists, based on best practices at SAS and illustrated with some
Because finding analytical talent continues to be a challenge for most, here I offer tips 5, 6, and 7 of my ten tips for finding data scientists, based on best practices at SAS and illustrated with some of our own “unicorns.” You can read my first blog post for why they
All Analytics spoke with several leaders at the recent SAS Global Forum Executive Conference on what it means to build an analytics culture. Here’s a video of those conversations. The video features several sections related to building an analytics culture: Kim Nevala, Director of Business Strategy for the SAS Best
How do you hire a Chief Data Scientist? That's not a hypothetical question: I know of at least three companies that are actively looking for a "Chief Data Scientist" at the moment. Hiring the right person is harder than you'd think. Whether or not a Chief Data Scientist is a