Tag: SAS Programmers

Data Management | Learn SAS | Programming Tips
Leonid Batkhan 0
Modifying variable attributes in all datasets of a SAS library

Using the DATASETS procedure, we can easily modify SAS variable attributes such as name, format, informat and label: proc datasets library=libref; modify table_name; format var_name date9.; informat var_name mmddyy10.; label var_name = 'New label'; rename var_name = var_new_name; quit; We cannot, however, modify fixed variable attributes such as variable type

Programming Tips
Kim Wilson 0
Reasons to love PROC DS2

PROC DS2 (DS2) is a new SAS programming language that extends the power of the traditional DATA step. Some customers have wondered if this new functionality is simply the “DATA step on steroids,” meaning that we simply added more robust functionality so that it’s a replacement for the DATA step.

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