Tag: nasa

Leo Sadovy 0
A tale of two asteroids

“They were the best of asteroids, they were the worst of asteroids.” ~ Charles Dickens Armstrong There are good asteroids, and there are bad asteroids. Good asteroids stay in their own neighborhoods and wait for us to come visit them.  Bad asteroids, however, don’t wait for an invitation – they

Analytics | Data Management | Data Visualization
SAS Colombia 0
SAS, más de cuarenta años ayudando a la empresas a obtener valor del Big Data

Aunque el término Big Data lleva solo 20 años de uso a nivel mundial, SAS ya tiene más de cuatro décadas inspirando lo extraordinario, un reto que muchas compañías y empleados ya han asumido, incorporando soluciones de analítica en procesos tan increíbles como la exploración del sol, la protección del

Karen Lee 0
Communications from the final frontier

When I was a kid learning about the solar system and building those models out of hastily-painted styrofoam balls of varying sizes, Pluto was a planet. A full-fledged, legitimate planet just like the other eight. But In August of 2006, just 7 months after NASA launched the New Horizons Mission