This is my grandson, Easton. He won the lottery by being the first-born grandchild on both sides of our families. We won the lottery when he entered our lives! Putting it mildly, he has an abundance of love in his life. In my eyes, he hung the moon! At one
Tag: kid friendly
The Authoritative Feeding Style is considered the gold standard when it comes to feeding children (read more about feeding styles in our last post). This approach is simply summed up as love with limits, meaning you are a coach and teacher, firm yet understanding and considerate. However, with a
There are two sides to feeding children: one is to ensure they are nourished so they can grow and thrive and the other is to instill in them a healthy, lasting relationship with food. Simple enough, right? Not exactly! In reality, these two goals are often at odds with each
I first heard about blender muffins maybe a year ago. Muffins made with no flour, and you just dump all the ingredients into a blender? Uh, ok. My little one was starting finger foods at the time, so I figured I’d give these recipes a shot. They were a hit!